
For Dinner I had a simple and healthy meal. It was white rice (cooked) and chicken breast (oven baked).


Chicken breasts were purchased at Save on Foods in Ladner, BC. Canada produces poultry, but I think this was transported form America, because most of the time the product advertises that it is made “locally” or “in Canada.”  The chickens were grown in a farm, which also needs heating and food and light, all of which require oil to produce, or at some point involved oil. As I mentioned, chicken breasts most likely traveled a long way, before they came to the store, where I purchased them. Packaging is made form plastic, which includes oil in its production. In addition, the cooking process: the chicken was put in the oven for a period of time. The oven works on electricity, and for this exercise I assumed that BC`s electricity is produced from a clean source – Hydro. So technically, the cooking did not include any oil use.


The rice was bought at Save On Foods. It is called Jasmine Rice. On the package it states that it was produced in Thailand. Therefore, it must have been flown to Canada. Moreover, similarly as any other products, many distribution companies that transport the rice from one place to another. Thus, it is hard to estimate how much oil was used, because of different methods of transportation, and different stops in places. However, it is clear that A LOT of oil was used to grow, to farm, to package, which is made of plastic, and to especially transport the rice.



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