A New Kind of Race: The Technology Race

Blackberry used to be a huge competitor in the phone industry and was a staple for most businesses and for youth with their BBM application.  However, technology is always changing and companies are always evolving with new and better ideas.  In Blackberry’s case, Apple was the contender that ended up beating Blackberry in this technology race.  Apple’s iPhone offers a much better value proposition as its applications make the usage of the phone easier for the customer (touch screen, quality, applications, new model.)  This “technology race” does not specifically pertain to Apple, as the new smart phones are also a huge contender in the phone industry, but during Blackberry’s peak of sales, Apple was a definite rival.  This article illustrates not only how technology is continually evolving, but also how companies must be cognizant of their value proposition and continually evaluate their product in correlation with value proposition and technology.  Blackberry failed to integrate what customers wanted with new technology available, and ended up where they are now; “free falling” into bankruptcy.

CBC News: Business; Blackberry Losses $965M in 2nd Quarter; http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/blackberry-loses-965m-in-2nd-quarter-1.1870447



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