Hoo is Hootsuite?

Time is an interesting concept, not only does it entail things such as aging, it also causes the acceleration of knowledge and as time goes on, we as a society learn more and produce more advanced products.  Once upon a time, VCR’s were the ‘hot’ thing to have.  At their time, they were the technologic advancement of the day.  They found a loophole in consumer goods and produced a product that satisfied consumers.  In today’s day of age, technology has developed incredibly rapidly and VCR’s are now part of the dinosaur age.  Instead, consumers are using things such as the Internet, for social media, something that has given rise to companies such as Twitter and Facebook.  However, this new advancement in our society has created companies with the opportunity to create a completely new customer segment.  Hootsuite, a new and uprising company, has found a business structure that uses societies advancements to its advantage.  Hootsuite is a company that allows you to manage social media accounts in one application.  Hootsuite has highlighted its value proposition to customers as a more efficient and convenient interface in which one can easily access all their social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook and maintain these websites by being alerted to new notifications and updates.

“Mashable.” Mashable. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2013.


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