Will technology uprise new products or new companies?

Whether a company is starting out or is the largest companies in the world, it is still essential for companies to be cognizant of new products and technology as substitutes are becoming increasingly easier for consumers to choose from. A company always needs to be evolving and coming out with state of the ark products.  Facebook is a $6 billion company that is, at present, used as a social media service.  However, they are talking about expanding to also become a search engine.  This could cause a shift of users from Google, a $60 billion dollar company, to instead use Facebook as a search engine.  Apple has also introduced its audio search engine, Siri.  This competes with the Hummingbird audio search engine Google is implementing in Android phones.  The hummingbird search engine will also be used in the Google glass, acting as another competitor for Siri. This article is able to highlight the increasing technological advancements.  This amelioration of technology also displays how companies must be willing to grow and expand whether it is by introducing new products or a new business structure.  A company that is not aware of others competitor’s advancements cannot be a competitor itself and will quickly be forgotten in the race of new and advanced technology products.

“Google, Apple And Facebook Are At War Over ‘Latent’ Search – A Business That’s About To Be Huge.” Business Insider. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.


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