This is a response to Chelsea Choi’s blog post : Say Ello to the New Kid on the Block.
Chelsea’s post describes a new social media platform which interests me greatly. As an avid user of social media, I find myself spending hours on Tumblr and Facebook. Ello seems to be invite only, which reminds me of popular fiction platform Archive of our Own, or AO3 for short.
Personally, I believe Ello is a potential threat to Facebook and other social media platforms. Like Chelsea said, Ello has positioned themselves as the first social media platform that doesn’t collect user data. I believe when you mention the words “social media” the first thing that still pops into mind would be Facebook. This is not a bad thing however. Ello has positioned themselves very well. They have targeted a niche market, like Chelsea said, while also still associating themselves with their number 1 competitor.
Looking at their Points of Parity and Points of Difference, Ello has a unique point of difference. This is of course that it does not collect any data on consumers while almost every other social media platform does. If they use this to their advantage, they could effectively market themselves to the public.
While many people believe Facebook isn’t gong anywhere anytime soon, I think it would be wise for Facebook to at least monitor Ello. If you remember correctly, before Facebook, we had something called “Myspace” or even “Friendster”. They were THE social media platforms slightly over a decade back. No one suspected Facebook to take off like it did, and Ello could be following in the footsteps of Facebook.
Personally, I think Ello is a great idea! It seems to be a mix of Facebook and Tumblr, social media platforms that i use heavily. A social media platform that doesn’t collect data on consumers seems very tempting and consumers wouldn’t have to worry about pictures or status updates being used by other third parties.