In a time long ago with dial up modems and having super teenage angst at my Mom for picking up the phone and disconnecting me, I used-
- AOL instant messenger- I had the full on profile and the little dancing icon that was were expressions of myself and everything thirteen year old Paige new to be true and right about the world. I believe I stopped using it my first year of university.
- MySpace- I spent the majority of my time customizing my profile and realizing that the majority of my top eight (?) friends did not include me in their top friends. Also, I thought it was so cool that you could put a song on your profile. I will not regale you with the terrible music selections I made.
- Chatrooms- when did these stop being a thing? what’s everybody’s a/s/l?
In more modern times (sin modems), I use some social media personally and have been recruited to do a bit of social media professionally.
Personally, I still maintain a Facebook profile (above is my current profile pic), but it’s mostly become a chat interface. It has been a saving grace for talking to friends across international borders. I think I have a twitter. I do not know the handle (or even if that is the correct terminology) and I don’t think I have ever posted. I have pinterest only because two of my friends (who are in this class) have pinterest. I wanted to be cool and find recipes and quirky craft ideas! In reality mine are memes I find funny and stuff about gaming. Like twitter, I think I might have an instagram. Just checked my phone. I have the app. I have no clue what to do with it.
YouTube and take up a fair amount of my screen time. However, I rarely comment and almost consider this more traditional media consumption.
I also have a Linkedin which I do a really poor job of maintaining when I am not actively seeking employment. It is one of those sites for which I can never remember the password.
Professionally, I was recruited to blog a bit for my old employer. I think the main criteria for bloggers was by default anyone who had heard of a blog. One thing I found very confusing about these posts was I was never sure of the intended audience. Was I blogging to my colleagues, other industry members, or our customers?
After coming to library school, and being bombarded with social media from various information organizations, I’m definitely in the column of needed to be convinced that a social media presence provides an adequate ROI for the institution.
I have never used a personal dashboard. I am in the process of setting up Netvibes in the hopes that it will let me keep track of the postings from this class. I am not confident as I tend to drop apps and programs that don’t resonate with me rather quickly.
1st Comment! But, actually I’m just popping in to say that I think that Netvibes might work well for the class if anyone is interested.
Let me know if you end up with Netvibes, Hootsuite or one of the other dashboards.
Lots of personality in this blogpost.
Hey Paige! Your writing style is amazing. I Laughed Out Loud (going old school there). I too have apps for things I don’t know what to do with (Twitter and Instagram apps I’m looking at you!). People convince me to download these things – I use them once or twice then I ignore them. They must be lonely.
Hi Paige! I really enjoyed your post. I also find it hard to work out who my audience is when I’m writing a blog. Sometimes the best writing is when you’re being open and vulnerable, but that’s not necessarily the best thing to do in a professional context.
Beautiful sunflowers in the profile pic btw!
Thanks Beth!
The bridge and groom (from the wedding this is from), wanted ridiculous poses from the bridal party so they could be heavily photo shopped later- I believe there may be a copy involving flames floating around.
Just chiming in to also say that I really like your blogging “tone.” Also thanks for reminding me about how you could choose a profile song with Myspace; I had forgotten!
Hi Liz-
I just got done watching the Boyd video and really liked her section on coded messages through song lyrics. I feel like my choice in MySpace song was really important way for my to not so subtly code my feelings for those who knew me best. I guess we were just before the times.