Movement in Switzerland enhancing entrepreneurship spirit:

There was recently a movement by the activists of Generation Basic Income Initiative in Switzerland to give basic monthly income to every one in the country- no deals, no work required. A fixed monthly income to everyone provided by the government. The sole purpose of this is to “help unleash creativity and entrepreneurialism” said Schmidt, one of the leaders of this activist movement.

Extra cash and savings can allow people to take more risks and do what they love doing. Therefore, this campaign is about allowing citizens to generate ideas and think bigger. I believe this is what entrepreneurship is all about: thinking big, doing what you love and taking risks. This movement is promoting entrepreneurship, hence the betterment of the country. Entrepreneurs are the future of the world we live in and this movement is fighting for a chance for all those people who have great ideas but need a helping hand.

They dropped 8 million (Switzerland’s current population) coins in front of the parliament in Bern, representing one coin for each citizen.

I’m supportive of the idea of encouraging entrepreneurial spirit however a problem with this movement is that people might become lazy after receiving a monthly payment. Nevertheless if some laws about employment or personal income are placed then this should work out well.

“Streets of Basel Paved with Gold: 15 TONS of Five Cent Coins Are Dumped on City’s Streets as Protesters Demand a Basic Minimum Income for Every Swiss Household.” Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

Lowrey, Annie. “Switzerland’s Proposal to Pay People for Being Alive.” NY Times. N.p., 12 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

Coy, Peter. “Swiss Initiative Would Give $2,800 a Month to Everyone—No Strings Attached.” BloombergBusinessWeek. N.p., 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

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