Unethical industries booming the economy!

Check out the amount of money spent on cancer research!

The medicine industry is a questionably unethical one as; the larger the numbers of people with a particular sickness or disease, the higher the profits that the medicine industry will make. Looking around the Forbes website, this striking article: “5 Signs You’ll Get Cancer” caught my attention. The video stated that: “Cancer is not better now, the war against cancer is being lost and cancer industry is a BILLION dollar one”. Apparently one of the largest causes of worldwide deaths has become an industry worth billions as chemotherapy and all  the drugs are outrageously expensive.

A lot of money is being made because instead of money being spent of research, more is being spent on the drugs to solve the issue. Therefore, they aren’t worried about preventative treatments but more about treating it once it has already hit your body. Should there be more money allocated to cancer research?  In addition, smoking which is one of the main causes of cancer in completely legal around the world, again because that too is a billion dollar industry. Therefore, where are the ethics of business here? Its legal to sell a product because it can boost the economy but the fact that it is causing deaths of millions is sneakily ignored! According to the UK Cancer Research, cigarettes caused more than a quarter of the cancer deaths.

  1. “5 Signs You’ll Get Cancer.” NewsmaxHealth. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2013.
  2. Pollack, Andrew. “For Profit, Industry Seeks Cancer Drugs.” NY Times. N.p., 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.
  3.  “Smoking Statistics – Smoking and Cancer.” Cancer Research UK. N.p., 25 Apr. 2012. Web. 6 Oct. 2013.
  4. “National Cancer Institute.” Cancer Research Funding –. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2013.

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