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Archive for September, 2010

So, you have all loved and craved for the Apple iPad. And why not? This new extremely light, fast responding tablet computer is the path breaker in its product category. The success of  iPad is due to the popularity that Apple enjoys for its innovation and “cool” factor. Because they are the pioneers in this […]

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Caveat Emptor

Upto 6000 ads per day!! I found it hard to believe the blitzkrieg of marketing gimmics that we the common people are exposed to each day. Our TV viewing times are recorded, our lifestyles are monitored and day in and day out, people plot to try get us to buy their product. While this is […]

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The Fall of Satyam

Business ethics which are a formidable part of corporate responsibility are needed for more than just company’s promotion….they are essential for the company’s survival. On January 7 2009, Satyam Computer Systems, once a formidable name in the IT scene in India, had finally fallen, after years of the company’s chairman Ramalinga Raju and Managing Director, […]

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