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While it is true that the legendary Motorola MOTOFONE came close to being the world’s cheapest phone, Vodafone has won over Motorola by presenting the Vodafone 150, a $15 phone that will be a boon for the developing  countries. These countries often face a problem with communication which is sometimes seen as a hindrance in […]

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We aren’t the only people who like Facebook, people who work in Facebook like it too. And it is because of this majority of employees with high levels of job satisfaction that Facebook is such an effective and well run organization today. There are many proofs to show how desirable a job in Facebook is: […]

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Building upon the study of Dell’s supply chain in class brought to mind another stellar example of a company- P&G -that has an excellent supply chain as well. But unlike Dell, it is able to achieve continued success due to the efficient mix of marketing strategies that it uses. “If you can’t drive sales and […]

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Robin Scherbatsky of the popular television series How I Met Your Mother, calls Tim Hortons, “the most Canadian place there is”. And why not? Holding 22.6% of Canada’s mammoth $14 billion fast food market and commanding 62% of Canada’s daily coffee “fix”, Tim Hortons has over the generations evolved to become one of Canada’s favourite […]

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Today, I was just doing some general reading and I came across a well known  financial services organization – Lehman Brothers- who had recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Lehman Brothers – up until its bankruptcy in September 2008- was a firm well known for its services in investment, private banking, private equity etc. […]

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Should a business only look at its financial statements to find out the state of its business? Dr. Robert Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Dr. David Norton believe not. According to them, a balanced scorecard must be used to appraise the business, decide its strategies and also measure the employees’ performances. By using this, […]

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Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an epitome of pursuit of excellence. Just imagine, if you have a calculus exam the next day and you want more tutoring in optimization, what would be your best option: A) rush to your friend’s house for help B) get help online from the comfort of your home Obviously, it is option […]

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Cisco and CSIRT

Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a unit that addresses computer security issues. They help addresses issues like unauthorized access to a company’s database without the owner’s knowledge. CISCO uses the CSIRT to promote both the company’s and the customers’ safety. Network based IPS is used by CISCO  to find out internal security issues […]

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Social Media :)

Ask any young person if she would like to work as a company’s PR representative. Mention that the work would entail the seemingly arduous task of updating the company’s facebook page every hour. I would assume that the young, extrovert type person would love to take on the job. In my opinion, this is due […]

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With over 31,000 restaurants around the world, McDonald’s has claimed the position of being one of the world’s most well known brands. And the very fact that around 47 million people are served by McDonald’s around the world each day ratifies Ray Kroc’s belief, “This will go anywhere”.  By “this” he referred to the fries […]

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