Voice to Text (Task 3)

A story about when I was coaching soccer from the ages of 18 and till 23 and I took about one season often well I coached the team initially was at a level silver too so if you think about in the pyramid soccer it goes hpl which is essentially players that can go into they can go into it like MLS maybe if it really really good or make a residency team fan below that was that was gold and below that finally was a silver and then bronze so silver to was no very very middle tier and the team was struggling when I took over I just saw the way they play my brother was on the team it was it was the Praxis and sessions were very much based on physical fitness which is obviously an important part of the game but the kids had no touch they did not think the game I just want to really simplify that I just wanted to come in and and bring an element of let’s play basic soccer let’s let’s get the ball out to the wings try to cross it to the strikers would one really really fast records try to play him through and set him up in situations where he was in one-on-ones oglesby strong defensively and the other so after that season ended my brother’s old teammates that I’m gone and actually gold one else where they were looking to leave their team they have some issue falling out with her coat and so they’re looking to come somewhere and so I told my wife my brother to start kind of repeating them so they came and we started the preseason and silver one is because we didn’t want to make too big of a jump in one go and the very first game he wants 7 nothing four five goals and and the players scored five goals was by the end of the couple years he ended up not even being one of the best players on the team but it just showed the quality jump that team it would have been 20 20 2017 group ended up moving up into gold to and as a goal to team we want every game in the league except for one we won the the League Cup we actually ended up beating every team in Vancouver including the teams that we’re gold one to be the Vancouver representative at the coastal cup which is the regional tournament and meet us Cinderella me to run all the way to the provincial tournament and then at provincials we finished fifth out of eight teams which is still very very good then the next year there’s some other players who were my brothers age that were play they wanted to join so they came down and they played and for whatever reason it was just there was a little bit of it chemistry tissue inside out on that team we finished second and gold won and lost in the cup semi-final the coastal Regional semi-finals we didn’t get a chance to to make provincials that year but the one player. Absent from the team in the second year who is there in the first year this kid was unbelievable he was very very strong for his age. And this player could score from just anywhere on the field so of C play Striker this is one of the most interesting relationships I’ve ever had with anyone was he was a very intimidating person and I was only three years older than the kids at the time so he was 16 and I was say I I did not particularly want to have any issues with him and we had was it was just fascinating when he went when he stepped up and then like his dad had kidney stones when we were at provincials he had to take care of his siblings and things like that he he really stepped up to the plate and showed a different side then I would have expected yeah it was it was it interesting experience and I’m very glad I called my brother scene after that it took a year off and then I came back and close to the community some other kids that I didn’t know but yeah it was it was a great experience is actually coaching soccer. The world of coaching and so the coaching world is what led me into the idea of teaching so I owe that experience a lot of a lot of guess what would the word be like I owed a lot of a lot of the reason as to why I do what I do right now I’m it’s great I really enjoy being a teacher and so I’m glad that I was able to experience that when I was pretty young and enjoy the experience


  • How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

This text deviates from written English because it does not follow conventional punctuation rules. It is very hard to convey proper punctuation through this type of software without saying “period” or “comma”, but that would defeat the purpose of treating the activity as if you are talking to a friend. It also deviates from conventional English in that words are misspelled or duplicated in speech. It also uses colloquial language which does not follow conventional rules of written English.

  • What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

What I would consider wrong with the text is the previously mentioned lack of proper punctuation, as well as the repetition of words that can come when thinking of proper word choice during speech. Those repeated words would not be present in purely typed out text where you can consider what you are going to type. Other parts of the text that are wrong are the misspelled words. Another issue, mostly due to the software itself, is some words will be missing or misunderstood, so the text may seem incoherent at times. What is right is the general information that the text presents. My ideas are still represented in the text, even if they may not be perfectly converted from my speech to text.

  • What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

The common mistakes are the absences of punctuation, spelling mistakes, and repeating of words. The reason I would consider these to be mistakes is they violate the grammatical rules I have been taught for writing in English. Any time a rule is broken, I would consider a mistake to have been made. Given the software is supposed to convert exactly what is said to text, the inability for it to exactly convey my speech to text would be signs of mistakes made by the software.

  • What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

If the story was scripted, it would flow better. There were times where I had to pause or say a word again to think about how best to follow it up. Scripting would have completely removed this element as I would know what exactly to say throughout the dictation. Scripting beforehand would also allow for more organized thoughts and a more coherent flow to the story. This type of “off the cuff” speech is likely to go in many directions. Scripting would have made for no issues in duplicating terms or pauses during the speech, and also keeping the story going in a logical order.

  • In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling?

Oral storytelling differs from written storytelling in many ways. One way is that oral storytelling can better convey emotion more naturally. If someone is telling a story orally where they feel sad, we can tell that just from their tone. If the same story was being written, descriptive terms would have to be included to convey their emotions. Written story telling is also cleaner, in the sense that the story will have been edited and corrected to ensure the grammar, spelling, and proper use of punctuation are followed. Written stories are also able to be restructured to keep thoughts in a logical order. This can be absent in oral storytelling where someone is just talking from their immediate thoughts, not necessarily something they have pre-planned or edited.

4 thoughts on “Voice to Text (Task 3)

  1. Aaron Ko

    Hi Jeevan,

    I also found that there was a lack of punctuation with my speech, although I did notice some punctuation in your speech was this done consciously as you mentioned in your first question or was this done automatically with your speech to text software?

    I found it interesting that you had misspelled words as I did not have any spelling mistakes in mine, surprisingly the names were all correct, but at times the wrong word was used.

    Did you find that pacing caused any errors in your speech? Personally I tend to speed up and spend less effort on enunciating that I think led to the omission of words.

    1. SukhjeevanPannun Post author

      Hi Aaron,

      The punctuation actually just came as I paused to think or continue in my speech, not intentionally added in. The speech to text software was the one Ernesto posted in the Task instructions, so maybe it is common for that software.

      It was not only misspelled words but almost I would say misinterpreted, for example the software did not understand what I actually said and entered text that sounded like it.

      I can be accused of mumbling at times, but I think I was conscientious of that in this task. Given that I knew it would be posted, I think I was a bit more careful than usual to pronounce words properly and be slower in my speech.

      Thanks for your insights!

      1. kelvin nicholls

        Hi Jeevan,

        You have answered one big question that I had for this task. I used Google Doc’s Voice-to-Text Tool and I did not have any punctuation added into my story. So, my big wonder was centred around whether other voice-to-text technologies incorporate punctuation in a predictive manner. I would be curious to try the software that you used and track the accuracy of the punctuation that is added.

        1. SukhjeevanPannun Post author

          Hi Kelvin,

          The punctuation only seemed to add as I took a pause to consider what to say next. Other than that, there was no predictive measure from the software as it seemed to just allow for carry-on sentences unless I took an extended pause. Definitely would be neat to use in the future to see if adding in specific punctuation requests is responded to in an accurate manner.


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