Linking Assignment 3: An Emoji Story-Brian

Task #6 – An Emoji Story

I chose Brian’s Task 6 post for as my third linking assignment. This task does not have as much to compare as other tasks on the surface, but there are some interesting similarities and differences between Brian and I. Starting with similarities, we both chose our specific films because the titles would be easier to symbolize with emojis, rather than necessarily choosing the movie we saw most recently. Brian chose one of the most popular movies of all time (particularly for his son as he mentions!). The movie I chose is not as popular but is similar to Brian’s in that the title could be represented by just 2 emojis. For the title of the films, we both used emojis to represent words. We used emojis differently for the synopsis of the films. Both Brian and I used emojis in place of symbols in the film since we both found it would be easier than trying to represent words or syllables. With words or syllables, there is more room for error in interpretation unless the exact word has an emoji.

Though Brian and I both used the emojis as symbols for the synopsis of our film, the difference in popularity of the film we chose makes a difference in terms of how easily the emojis can be interpreted. Brian used more emojis than I did for his synopsis, but as he mentions it was easy to do so since most people are familiar with the Lion King. The familiarity with the film gave him the security to be looser with the emojis he used for his synopsis. Since my film was less popular, I felt I had to be more meaningful with the emojis I selected. Cop Out, the film I selected, has plot points that would not easily be represented by emojis. This difficulty in symbolizing the synopsis along with the limited general popularity of the film meant that even if I used more emojis, I do not think my film would have been easy to decipher. This task really shows the importance of choosing a film that is either very popular or its synopsis can very easily be represented with emojis.

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