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Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data (Task 9)

Song 1: The first song I chose is “Kinds of Flowers”. This was also chosen by Tamara Vaughan. Tamara and I both chose this song because it helped to represent all of the diverse groups of people on Earth. In reflecting on another criteria it meets that Tamara mentioned but I initially did not, it includes vocals, something that was an important factor for Tamara for all her songs. I also mentioned vocals in other songs, but did not mention it for this song.

Song 2: The second song I chose is “Senegal, percussion”. This was also chosen by Alexandra Scott and Janice Roper. Alexandra, Janice, and I all chose this song due to its representation of something that other songs did not represent. For all three of us, the representation of the African continent was a reason for choosing this song. For Janice, it was the also the use of wind instruments. I did not consider what type of instruments were used so this was an interesting way to make song selections.

Song 3: The third song I chose is “El Cascabel”. This song was also chosen by all three of my group mates, Alexandra, Janice, and Tamara. Alexandra chose the song due to its representation of North America and use of the Spanish language. Janice chose this song due to its sounds and instruments. Tamara chose this song because it included vocals. I had vocals as one of my criteria that this song met, sharing that with Tamara. I did not think of needing to represent based on languages as much as location, so I did not mention a representation of Spanish as Alexandra did. As previously mentioned, I did not consider different sounds of instruments, which was a key criteria for Janice.

Song 4: The fourth song I chose is “Johnny B Goode”. This song was also chosen by all of the group members. This song met Alexandra’s criteria of global representation, as it represents North America. This song met Janice’s requirement of sounds and instruments. One reason both Tamara and I chose this song is because of its popularity and familiarity.

Song 5: The fifth song I chose is “Queen of the Night” aka “The Magic Flute”. I was the only one in my group who chose this song.

Song 6: The sixth song I chose is “Tchakrulo”. This song was also chosen by Janice and Tamara. Janice chose this song because of its primary use of vocals which was also one of the reasons why I chose this song. Tamara chose this song because of its representation which was also one of the reasons I chose this song, to represent Eastern Europe.

Song 7: The seventh song I chose is “Beethoven’s Fifth”. This song was also chosen by Alexandra and Janice. Alexandra chose this song because of its representation of Europe. Janice chose this song for its use of string instruments. I did not choose it for the same reasons as either of the other two group members, but I can see their reasons for choosing this song.

Song 8: The eighth song I chose is “Iziel je Delyo Hagdutin”. This song was also chosen by all of the group members. Alexandra chose those this song because it is a representative for Europe. Janice chose this song because of its use of wind instruments and a female vocalist. Tamara chose this song in part because of its use of vocals. I shared this reason with Tamara as vocals were a key reason I chose this song.

Song 9: The ninth song I chose is the “Solomon Islands Panpipes”. I was the only one in my group who chose this song.

Song 10: The tenth song I chose is “Jaat Kahan Ho”. This song was also chosen by all of the group members. Alexandra chose this song because it is a representative for India. Janice chose this song because of its use of strings instruments, specifically the Sitar. Tamara chose this song in part because of its use of vocals. I chose this song for its representation of India, as Alexandra did. I also chose this song for its use of vocals, as Tamara did.

Golden Record Curation (Task 8)

Song 1:The first song I chose is “Kinds of Flowers”. I chose this song for 2 reasons, song quality and representation. Song quality means that I chose this song because the sound of the song is appealing to me, I enjoy listening to it. Representation means that this song helps with the theme of “Music from Earth” since it is a representative for Southeast Asia.

Song 2: The second song I chose is “Senegal, percussion”. I chose this song for the same 2 reasons as song 1, song quality and representation. Song quality means that I chose this song because the sound of the song is appealing to me, I enjoy listening to it. Representation means that this song helps with the theme of “Music from Earth” since it is a representative for Africa.

Song 3: The third song I chose is “El Cascabel”. I chose this song for 2 reasons, song quality and vocals. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Vocals means exactly what it is defined as, someone is actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing.

Song 4: The fourth song I chose is “Johnny B Goode”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, vocals, and popularity. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Vocals again refers someone actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing. Popularity refers to the fact that this song is often used in films so I have heard it many times.

Song 5: The fifth song I chose is “Queen of the Night”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, vocals, and tone. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Vocals again refers someone actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing. Tone in this case refers to the operatic intensity and feel the song has.

Song 6: The sixth song I chose is “Tchakrulo”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, vocals, and representation. Song quality means that I chose this song because the sound of the song is appealing to me, I enjoy listening to it. Vocals again refers someone actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing. Representation means that this song helps with the theme of “Music from Earth” since it is a representative for Eastern Europe.

Song 7: The seventh song I chose is “Beethoven’s Fifth”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, popularity, and tone. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Popularity refers to the fact that this song is often used in films so I have heard it many times, in fact it may be the classical music song I have heard most. Tone refers to the intensity of the music, I really like the way the instruments all come together to create the intense tone.

Song 8: The eighth song I chose is “Iziel je Delyo Hagdutin”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, vocals, and tone. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Vocals again refers someone actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing. Tone in this case refers to the way the vocals are delivered, the passion of the song is conveyed very well.

Song 9: The ninth song I chose is the “Solomon Islands Panpipes”. I chose this song for 2 reasons, song quality and representation. Song quality again refers to the desire I have to listen to the song, I really enjoyed this song. Representation means that this song helps with the theme of “Music from Earth” since it is a representative for Oceania.

Song 10: The tenth and final song I chose is “Jaat Kahan Ho”. I chose this song for 3 reasons, song quality, vocals, and representation. Song quality means that I chose this song because the sound of the song is appealing to me, I enjoy listening to it. Vocals again refers someone actually singing in this song, rather than just hearing music with no singing. Representation means that this song helps with the theme of “Music from Earth” since it is a representative for South Asia. It doubles in representative terms since my family is of Indian descent, so I feel this song in some ways represents me.

An Emoji Story (Task 6)

  • Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas or a combination of all of them?

I tried to rely on words and ideas, syllables would have been harder to spell out and interpret in my opinion, especially since I consider that to be an uncommon use for emojis. I would say the use of words and ideas is best since not all of the words I wanted to represent could be accurately described using the emojis, so I am hoping some ideas will be represented as well.

  • Did you start with the title? Why? Why not?

I started with the title for two reasons. The primary reason was that I wanted to make sure I could actually represent it! I did not want a situation where the title could not be represented by emojis since the synopsis would not be as relevant without the title. The second reason was that the title may be easy enough to figure out which film I am referring to. This would mean the synopsis would not be necessary if the title is descriptive enough. I am not sure if this synopsis will give enough information, so I hope the title does the job.

  • Did you choose the work based on how easy would it be to visualize?

I did choose this particular film because its title would be easy to visualize. I don’t think there would be any way for the synopsis to be easy to visualize with only emojis, so I wanted something to be easy enough to decipher, which hopefully the title will be. The last book I read would have been too hard to represent using only emojis for both the title and synopsis. The same for the last show I just saw which includes a particular family name that would have been nearly impossible to represent.

Manual Script (Task 4)

  • Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain.

I write by hand when I am at work mostly, but when completing assignments I generally type. When I take notes I prefer to write by hand. I found this task easy to complete in the sense of the assignment, but difficult for me emotionally. It feels like with the subject I wrote about, nothing has really changed. I wasn’t alive in 1992, but having seen the footage and all, you could fool someone who is not familiar with it that it came from this past weekend rather than 28 years ago. In terms of actually handwriting the reflection it was easy because I am very comfortable handwriting. I preferred it during my undergraduate studies as I found that the information was able to be better embedded in my memory with handwriting than typing notes.

  • What did you do when you made a mistake or wanted to change your writing? How did you edit your work? Did your choice of media play a part in how you edited your work?

For any mistakes or changes I wanted to make, I scribbled the words I wanted to change or re-write. The way I edited my work was scribbling out any words I misspelled or wrote in a manner that did not look clear to me. This choice of media definitely played a part in how I edited my work. If I was typing, I would just backspace to fix any mistakes and make any necessary changes. This is obviously not an option for handwriting. The only similar option would be erasing pencil, but in this case I used a pen since I was writing for a formal assignment and the pen would also allow my words to appear more clearly on the page. I could also have used white-out, but I did not have any readily available. I have also in my science training been told it is better to just scratch out mistakes than white them out, especially in the context of lab notebooks that are checked for authenticity.

  • What do you feel is the most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms of writing? Which do you prefer and why?

I would say the most significant difference is the writing process. For mechanized forms of writing such as typing, you don’t see a persons mistakes on the page. It can make the writing feel like it must be perfect, which could intimidate anyone who does not feel confident with their own writing. When writing by hand, specifically by pen, you can see where the writer has made a mistake. This shows that not all writers are perfect, so no new or young writer should feel they must be perfect either. If I had to pick writing by hand or a mechanized form, I would pick writing by hand just because of its unique properties. For example, my handwriting is unique to me, the font I am typing this very Task with is a generic form anyone else could use.

Voice to Text (Task 3)

A story about when I was coaching soccer from the ages of 18 and till 23 and I took about one season often well I coached the team initially was at a level silver too so if you think about in the pyramid soccer it goes hpl which is essentially players that can go into they can go into it like MLS maybe if it really really good or make a residency team fan below that was that was gold and below that finally was a silver and then bronze so silver to was no very very middle tier and the team was struggling when I took over I just saw the way they play my brother was on the team it was it was the Praxis and sessions were very much based on physical fitness which is obviously an important part of the game but the kids had no touch they did not think the game I just want to really simplify that I just wanted to come in and and bring an element of let’s play basic soccer let’s let’s get the ball out to the wings try to cross it to the strikers would one really really fast records try to play him through and set him up in situations where he was in one-on-ones oglesby strong defensively and the other so after that season ended my brother’s old teammates that I’m gone and actually gold one else where they were looking to leave their team they have some issue falling out with her coat and so they’re looking to come somewhere and so I told my wife my brother to start kind of repeating them so they came and we started the preseason and silver one is because we didn’t want to make too big of a jump in one go and the very first game he wants 7 nothing four five goals and and the players scored five goals was by the end of the couple years he ended up not even being one of the best players on the team but it just showed the quality jump that team it would have been 20 20 2017 group ended up moving up into gold to and as a goal to team we want every game in the league except for one we won the the League Cup we actually ended up beating every team in Vancouver including the teams that we’re gold one to be the Vancouver representative at the coastal cup which is the regional tournament and meet us Cinderella me to run all the way to the provincial tournament and then at provincials we finished fifth out of eight teams which is still very very good then the next year there’s some other players who were my brothers age that were play they wanted to join so they came down and they played and for whatever reason it was just there was a little bit of it chemistry tissue inside out on that team we finished second and gold won and lost in the cup semi-final the coastal Regional semi-finals we didn’t get a chance to to make provincials that year but the one player. Absent from the team in the second year who is there in the first year this kid was unbelievable he was very very strong for his age. And this player could score from just anywhere on the field so of C play Striker this is one of the most interesting relationships I’ve ever had with anyone was he was a very intimidating person and I was only three years older than the kids at the time so he was 16 and I was say I I did not particularly want to have any issues with him and we had was it was just fascinating when he went when he stepped up and then like his dad had kidney stones when we were at provincials he had to take care of his siblings and things like that he he really stepped up to the plate and showed a different side then I would have expected yeah it was it was it interesting experience and I’m very glad I called my brother scene after that it took a year off and then I came back and close to the community some other kids that I didn’t know but yeah it was it was a great experience is actually coaching soccer. The world of coaching and so the coaching world is what led me into the idea of teaching so I owe that experience a lot of a lot of guess what would the word be like I owed a lot of a lot of the reason as to why I do what I do right now I’m it’s great I really enjoy being a teacher and so I’m glad that I was able to experience that when I was pretty young and enjoy the experience


  • How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

This text deviates from written English because it does not follow conventional punctuation rules. It is very hard to convey proper punctuation through this type of software without saying “period” or “comma”, but that would defeat the purpose of treating the activity as if you are talking to a friend. It also deviates from conventional English in that words are misspelled or duplicated in speech. It also uses colloquial language which does not follow conventional rules of written English.

  • What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

What I would consider wrong with the text is the previously mentioned lack of proper punctuation, as well as the repetition of words that can come when thinking of proper word choice during speech. Those repeated words would not be present in purely typed out text where you can consider what you are going to type. Other parts of the text that are wrong are the misspelled words. Another issue, mostly due to the software itself, is some words will be missing or misunderstood, so the text may seem incoherent at times. What is right is the general information that the text presents. My ideas are still represented in the text, even if they may not be perfectly converted from my speech to text.

  • What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

The common mistakes are the absences of punctuation, spelling mistakes, and repeating of words. The reason I would consider these to be mistakes is they violate the grammatical rules I have been taught for writing in English. Any time a rule is broken, I would consider a mistake to have been made. Given the software is supposed to convert exactly what is said to text, the inability for it to exactly convey my speech to text would be signs of mistakes made by the software.

  • What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

If the story was scripted, it would flow better. There were times where I had to pause or say a word again to think about how best to follow it up. Scripting would have completely removed this element as I would know what exactly to say throughout the dictation. Scripting beforehand would also allow for more organized thoughts and a more coherent flow to the story. This type of “off the cuff” speech is likely to go in many directions. Scripting would have made for no issues in duplicating terms or pauses during the speech, and also keeping the story going in a logical order.

  • In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling?

Oral storytelling differs from written storytelling in many ways. One way is that oral storytelling can better convey emotion more naturally. If someone is telling a story orally where they feel sad, we can tell that just from their tone. If the same story was being written, descriptive terms would have to be included to convey their emotions. Written story telling is also cleaner, in the sense that the story will have been edited and corrected to ensure the grammar, spelling, and proper use of punctuation are followed. Written stories are also able to be restructured to keep thoughts in a logical order. This can be absent in oral storytelling where someone is just talking from their immediate thoughts, not necessarily something they have pre-planned or edited.

What’s in my bag? (Task 1)

My daily need for the items in my bag is to allow me to be prepared for anything going on in my day as a teacher. I need the calculator for tallying up student marks when marking. The highlighters are important when I am noting work that students have/have not completed and generally to help me keep myself organized with some colour coordinating! Below those is my school device carrying case which I use daily to ensure I am safely transporting my school computer to and from work. My dell pen case has the instructions for the dell computer I take to work, I may need it if the pen decides not to work for me. On one side of the pen case is my adapter that allows my computer to project through the LCD projector in my classroom. On the other side is my water bottle, I can’t teach if I’m not well hydrated! Next to the water bottle is my USB stick that I load my daily teaching activities onto for ease of use and to have a backup in case the school computer doesn’t work properly. Below that, is 3 separate piles. On the left is a pile of sheets with information particular to my school, daily calendar, class schedule, block rotations, etc. In the middle is my notebook that I use to note down anything from an average day that will make future lessons more effective, it also doubles as a daily planner. On the right is a pile of sheets with great information I have collected from various Professional Development days. The top sheet is very useful on any day I plan assessment as it is information from Tom Schimmer, someone the school board is turning to for information about assessment practices.

These items may be considered text since some literally have written or printed information. What these items say about me is that I like to keep a lot of information “for a rainy day”. Much of what I keep is to ensure that I will be able to operate successfully on a day when something goes wrong. What they say about where I inhabit, is that it is an English speaking place with access to electricity (the language of the sheets and the projector adapter). In terms of the activities I take up, it shows that I have to try and process a lot of information and maintain organization (sheets, notebook, highlighters).

Some “text technologies” in my backpack are the pen, highlighters, notebook, and the printed sheets. The pen says that I write language to communicate. The highlighters say I differentiate and interpret language in a way that I will can communicate with others. The notebook matches the pen in saying that I write language to communicate. The printed sheets are printed language with lots of information communicated.

What the items in my bag say about my literacies are that I am literate in the traditional sense in that I can read and write (pen, notebook, sheets). I am also numerically literate (calculator). Lastly, it shows digital literacy since I have items relating the use of digital items like a computer.

The outward image of the backpack is not one that would necessarily lead someone to assume I am a teacher, since it is often students who are associated with backpacks. What this can lead to is someone thinking I am a student rather than a teacher. I am also a relatively young teacher (I will be 25 in August) so that too can lead to some confusion. I outwardly present as very calm and laid back, though that is true, the constant carrying of highlighters and a notebook may lead to a different narrative of someone who is uptight and controlling.

15 years ago this backpack would have contained a pair of shoes (one for outside and one for inside), an array of snacks, an agenda, and maybe one textbook. It would not have contained the laptop carrying case, projector adapter, dell pen case, the professional development information sheets, or really any school sheets. I still would have carried a calculator (the same one from 15 years ago functions for me today!), the highlighters or writing utensils, and a water bottle.

An archeologist aiming to understand this temporal period would view the contents of my bag as being indicative of this period’s use of technology, yet would also see some remnants of a previous period as well. This temporal period still very much uses handwriting and printing which may slowly phase out into the future. For example, the printed sheets of paper may be a thing of the past for this future archeologist if everything is instead sent to people digitally. The only things that would not be “dated” in the future is likely the dell pen case and laptop carrying case since even future generations will need storage for their devices.

Defining Terms

1) What do “text” and “technology” mean to me?

I would define “Text” as anything written in any medium. Regardless of how the writing is produced, any meaningful language, whether symbols or words, is text.

I would define “Technology” as machines or tools made to help make work easier to complete, whether as simple as scissors to help cut or as complex as a telescope to look at the stars.

3) OED formal definitions and etymology

The OED defines “Text” as “The wording of anything written or printed; the structure formed by the words in their order; the very words, phrases, and sentences as written.” This word originated in 1369. Some words it shares a root with are “textlet: a short text”, “textour: a weaver”, and “textual: of a person: Well acquainted with ‘texts’ or authors; well-read; literally exact in giving the text.”

The OED defines “Technology” as “A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; esp. (in later use) a treatise on a practical art or craft. Obsolete.” This word originated in 1612. Some words it shares a root with are “technological: Belonging to or according with the terminology, techniques, or methodology of a particular branch of knowledge, or (later) a particular technology; technical. Now rare.”, “technologist: A person who studies or specializes in technology.”, and “technonomy: The study of the practical application of technology and technologies and the principles which can be deduced from this.”

4) Usage of terms according to Google Ngram

Use of the word “text” has consistently been higher than “technology”, with both having an initial peak in the 1500s, before returning to prominence and their highest usages since 1950.

5) What does the etymology of these words suggest about their inherent meanings?

For “text”, the etymology suggests the inherent meaning as the telling of ones story or experience, while for “technology”, the etymology suggests things that are not human.

What, for example, does textiles have to do with text?

Textiles would relate to text in the sense that it is a woven fabric while text could be considered a weaving of letters and words.

How is technology related to text?

Technology relates to text in how text can be produced and distributed. As technology advances, the way text is produced and distributed changes. For example, much text is now on computers and being types out, rather than handwritten.

What does teche (teaching) have to do with technology?

Teche (teaching) is required to make best use of technology.

How has the usage of these terms evolved over the centuries? Consider, for example, how the term technology is used at present by ministries or departments of education. Consider also why many scholars and performers speak of performance (dramatic, filmic, and so on), graphic art, etc., as “text.”

Technology was originally used to describe arts and sciences out of human capability, while now we use it to describe those same machines, but in a way, we are more in control of technology now. This newfound seeming control is why we have ministries of technology and technology departments that decide how we will use technology to our advantage. Text was originally used for people to tell their stories and experiences, so the way it has changed now is the stories aren’t limited to just being written, but can instead by told through performance or art.

Can you identify historical events that might have influenced changes in the usage of these terms over time as evidenced in the Google Ngram search?

The industrial revolution created an initial increase in the use of “text” after 1750. The major event in 1950 that triggered an increase in the usage of both terms may have been the Korean War, as weapons for war would have been considered new technology.