Publications and Highlights

New Publications!

Jongbloed, J., Turgetto, Andres. L, & Lauterbach, W. (2024): Education, employment, and care work over adulthood: gendered life course trajectories in Canada and Germany, Journal of Education and Work.

Andres, L. (in press). Teaching survey research design. In L. Foster, W. Mason, & K. Nichols (Eds.), Teaching research methods in sociology. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Andres, L. (2024). Capturing Complexity Through Longitudinal Research: The Canadian Paths on Life’s Way Project. In J. Cook, Q. Maire and J. Wyn (Eds.), Longitudinal methods in youth research: Understanding young lives across time and space (pp. 149-161). Singapore: Springer Nature.

Research Reports

Andres, L. (2015). A Look Back. A Retrospective Analysis of the Sequence of Life Course Events over 22 Years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer. (25 pages)

Andres, L. (2015). Summary Report. A Look Back. A Retrospective Analysis of the Sequence of Life Course Events over 22 Years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer. (4 pages)

Andres, L. (2013). No credential? Post-secondary participation and life activity patterns of the Class of ’88. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. (2013). Summary Report: No credential? Post-secondary participation and life activity patterns of the Class of ’88. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. & Offerhaus. (2013). Customized lives? Multiple life course activities of the Class of ’88 over 22 years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. & Offerhaus. (2013). Summary report: Customized lives? Multiple life course activities of the Class of ’88 over 22 years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.


Andres, L. (2012). Designing and doing survey research. London: Sage Publications, UK.

Andres, L., & Wyn, J. (2010). The making of a generation: The children of the 1970s in adulthood. University of Toronto Press.

Andres, L., & Finlay, F. (Eds.). (2004). Student affairs: Experiencing higher education. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Andres, L. (Ed.) (1999). Revisiting the issue of access to higher education in Canada. Winnipeg: Centre for Higher Education Research and Development/Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Reader Series, No. 5.

Refereed Journal Articles

Andres, L. (2023). Education, homogamy, reproduction, and inequality: A Twenty-eight year intergenerational perspective of Canadian families. Journal of Youth Studies.

Jongbloed, J., & Andres, L. (2023). Charting wellbeing over adulthood into pandemic times: A longitudinal perspective. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies,14(3), 403-426.

Andres, L. (2022). Higher education and the marriage market: Educational attainment, educational homogamy, and inequality. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52(1), 51-69.

Andres, L., Lauterbach, W., Jongbloed, J., & Hümme, H., (2021). Gender, education, and labour market participation across the life course: A Canada/Germany comparison. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 40(2), 170-189. DOI:10.1080/02601370.2021.1924302

Antonini, M., Pullman, A., Fuller, S., & Andres, L. (2020). Pre- and postpartum employment patterns: Comparing leave policy reform in Canada and Switzerland. Community, Work & Family.

Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2018). General and work-based extrinsic educational beliefs across time: From late youth to middle adulthood. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(3), 291-311.

Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2015). Two sides of the same coin? Applied and general higher education gender stratification in Canada. In C. Imdorf, K. Hegna , & L. Reisel (Eds.), Gender segregation in vocational education (Comparative Social Research, Volume 31) (pp. 237-262). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

Jongbloed, J., & Andres, L. (2015). Elucidating the constructs happiness and wellbeing: A mixed-methods approachInternational Journal of Wellbeing, 5(3), 1-20.

Ashbourne, D., & Andres, L. (2015). Athletics, music, languages, and leadership: How parents influence the extracurricular activities of their childrenCanadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation 38(2), 1-34.

Wyn, J., & Andres, L. (2011). Navigating complex lives: A longitudinal, comparative perspective on young people’s trajectories. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 5(S1), 17-21.

Andres, L. (2010). La dynamique des études, du travail et de la famille. Quels destins pour les étudiants du postsecondaire? (New pathways to what? The dynamics of education, work, and family.) Éducation et Sociétés, 26(2), 45-69.   

Andres, L., & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2008). Life course transitions, social class, and gender: A fifteen year perspective of the lived lives of Canadian young adults. Journal of Youth Studies, 11(2), 115-145.

Adamuti-Trache, M., & Andres, L. (2008). Embarking on and persisting in scientific fields of study: Social class, gender, and curriculum along the science pipeline. International Journal of Science Education, 30(12), 1557-1584.

Andres, L., Adamuti-Trache, M., Soon, E-S., Pidgeon, M., & Thomsen, J-P. (2007). Educational expectations, parental social class, gender, and post-secondary attainment: A ten year perspective. Youth & Society, 39(2), 135-163.

Andres, L., & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2007). You’ve come a long way, baby? University enrolment and completion by women and men in Canada 1979-2004. Canadian Public Policy, 33(1), 1-24.

Andres, L., & Licker, A. (2005). Beyond brain drain: The dynamics of geographic mobility and educational attainment of BC young women and men. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 35(1), 1-36.

Andres, L. & Grayson, P. (2003). Parents, educational attainment, jobs and satisfaction: What’s the connection? A ten year portrait of Canadian young women and men. Journal of Youth Studies, 6(2), 181-202.

Andres, L., & Looker, E.D. (2001). Rurality and capital: Educational expectations and attainment of rural, urban/rural, and metropolitan youth. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 31(2), 1-46.

Andres, L., Anisef, P., Krahn, H., Looker, D., & Thiessen, V. (1999). The persistence of social structure: Class and gender effects on the occupational aspirations of Canadian youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 2(3), 261-282.

Andres, L. & Krahn, H. (1999). Youth pathways in articulated post-secondary systems: Enrolment and completion patterns of urban young women and men. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 29(1), 47-82.

Andres, L. (1998). Rational choice or cultural reproduction? Tracing transitions of young Canadians to higher education. Nordisk Pedagogik (Journal of Nordic Educational Research), 18(4), 197-206.

Book Chapters

Andres, L. (2022). Theories of the sociology of higher education access and participation. In J. Côté & S. Pickard (Eds.), Routledge handbook of the sociology of higher education, Second edition. Oxon: Routledge.

Andres, L., & Pullman, A. (2018). Vertically segregated higher education: Comparing life course patterns over 28 years. In M. Shah & J. Mckay (Eds.), Achieving equity and academic excellence in higher education: Global perspectives in an era of widening participation? London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Andres, L. (2017). The Paths on Life’s Way Project: A mixed methods longitudinal life course study. In B. Flett (Ed.), SAGE Research Methods Cases in Education (online). London: Sage.

Andres, L. (2009). The cumulative impact of capital and identity construction across time: A fifteen year perspective of Canadian young women and men. In K. Robson & C. Sanders (Eds.), Quantifying theory: Bourdieu. Berlin: Springer.

Andres, L. & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2009). University attainment, student loans, and adult life course activities: A fifteen year portrait of British Columbia young adults. In R. Finnie, R. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who goes? Who stays? What matters? New empirical evidence on participation in post-secondary education in Canada (pp. 239-275). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. (equal contribution)

Andres, L. (2004). Today’s post-secondary students: Adding faces to numbers. In L. Andres & F. Finlay (Eds.), Student affairs: Experiencing higher education (pp. 1-13). Vancouver: UBC Press.

Andres, L. (2003). More than sorcery required: The challenge of matching education and skills for life and work. In H. Schuetze & R. Sweet (Eds.), Alternation education and training: Preparing for work in the new economy (pp. 113-134). Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Looker, E.D., Andres, L., Anisef, P., Krahn, H., Thiessen, V., & Magee, P. (2001). Études et emploi le sexe: d’après une researche longitudinale sure les jeunes au Canada anglais de 1970 à 1990. In M. Gauthier & Diane Pacom (Eds.), La Researche sur les Jeunes et la Sociologie au Canada (pp. 21-40). Quebec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

Andres, L. (1999). Multiple life sphere participation by young adults. In W. Heinz (Ed.), From education to work: Crossnational perspectives (pp.149-170). Cambridge University Press.

Andres, L. (1994). Capital, habitus, field, and practice: an introduction to the work of Pierre Bourdieu. In L. Erwin & D. MacLennan (Eds.),Sociology of education in Canada (pp. 120-135). Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd.

Andres, L. (1993). Life trajectories, action, and negotiating the transition from high school. In P. Anisef & P. Axelrod (Eds.), Transitions: Schooling and employment in Canada (pp.137-157). Toronto: Thompson Press.

Other Publications

Andres, L., & Offerhaus, J. (2012). The mosaic of post-secondary institutional attendance: A twenty-two year perspective. Vancouver: BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. (2009). The dynamics of post-secondary participation and completion: A fifteen year portrayal of B.C. young adults. Commissioned report by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. (2009). Review essay. Annals of Research in Engineering Education (AREE), January 26.

Andres, L. (2002a). Educational and occupational participation and completion patterns of the Class of ’88. A ten year perspective. Vancouver: Commissioned report by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. (2002c). Paths on life’s way: Transitions of British Columbia young adults in a changing society. Base line study (1988) and first follow-up (1989). Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia.

Andres, L. (2002b). Paths on life’s way: Phase II follow-up Survey 1993, five years later. Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia.

Andres, L. (2002d). Paths on life’s way: Transitions of British Columbia young adults in a changing society. Phase III follow-up Survey 1998, ten years later. Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia.

Andres, L. (2002d). Ten years out: Educational and occupational patterns of the Class of ‘88. British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer Research Results Report, July, 1-4.

Andres, L., Trache, M., Retelle, E., & Pillay, G. (2002). What can the Class of ’88 tell us about today’s secondary students? Report to the Ministry of Education (Sponsored Research Grant Project.)

Andres, L. (1996). The educational paths of the Class of ’88. British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer Special Report, April, 3-7.

Andres, L. (1995). Class of 1988. Grade 12 follow-up five years later. Research report for the British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer.

Andres, L. (1992). A comparative analysis of the post-high school destinations of British Columbia 1988 high school graduates. Contracted study for the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Andres, L. (1991). A brief review of existing research on student aspirations and expectations. A report prepared for the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education, Training, and Technology.


Pullman, A. (2017). Dimensions of Educational Stratification: Non-standard Employment, Workplace Task Discretion, and Educational Beliefs. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of British Columbia.

Ashbourne, D. (2013). Education, beliefs, and experiences: Examining the role of parents in children’s extracurricular activity participation. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia.

Jongbloed, J. (2012). Happiness, well-being, and post-secondary attainment: Measuring the subjective well-being of British Columbia’s high school graduating class of 1988. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia.

Adamuti-Trache, M. (2003). Equity in access and outcomes: Succeeding along the science pipeline. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia.

Pillay, G. (2003). The transition from high school to post-high school life: Views of the B.C. Class of ’88. Unpublished graduating paper, University of British Columbia.

Radcliffe, J. (1998). “Over Educated, but Underskilled”: Views on Applied and Liberal Education by Young Adults in British Columbia. Unpublished graduating paper, University of British Columbia.

Recent Invited Presentations

Andres, L. (2016). Survey Tips for Librarians. Sage Publications, Sage Global Webinar, November 15.

Andres, L. (2014). The opportunities and challenges of conducting longitudinal research:
The Paths on Life’s Way project, Invited Seminar at the Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science Studies), Hannover, Germany, October 16.

Andres, L. (2013). Tracing individuals’ educational, occupational, and other life activities across the life course: The Paths on Life’s Way project, Invited Seminar at the Danube University Krems, Austria, December 5.

Andres, L. (2012). How do educational aspirations and expectations influence eventual post-secondary outcomes? Invited presentation to the Educational Research Institute Newcastle (ERIN), University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, December 7.

Andres, L. (2011). The long view: Key findings across 22 years of the Paths on Life’s Way Study. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Research Award address, May 30.

Andres, L. (2010). Homogamy and inequality across generations: A twenty-two year panel study of Canadian women and men. Invited presentation to the EMPAS Group, University of Bremen, September 15.

Andres, L. (2010). The Paths on Life’s Way Project: A Twenty-two Year Follow-up of Evolving Lives in Changing Times. Invited presentation at the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study), Delmenhorst, Germany, September 8.

Andres, L. (2009). Round table – Focusing the lights: Social statistics and higher education. Invited panel member at the Social Statistics and Higher Education Conference, Montreal, December 10-11.

Andres, L. (2008). Paths on Life’s Way project: A fifteen year perspective on the lives of British Columbia young adults. Invited presentation to the EMPAS Group, University of Bremen, November 13.

Andres, L. & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2007). For whom does student financial assistance make a difference? A fifteen year portrait of British Columbia young adults. Invited paper presented at the Measuring the Effectiveness of Student Aid (MESA) conference, Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, Montreal, October 19, 2007. (equal contribution)

Andres, L. (2007). The adult learning activities of the BC Class of ’88: A fifteen year perspective. Invited presentation at the Canadian Council on Learning Invitational Seminar on Lifelong Learning, Vancouver, BC, September 14.

Andres, L. (2004). The long term impact of student loans for BC young adults. Invited presentation at Canadian Student Experience: Patterns, Prospects and Policies Conference, York University, November 12.

Other Recent Conference Presentations

Andres, L. (2019). Educational homogamy, values, activities, and inequality: An intergenerational perspective of Canadian families. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Potsdam, Germany, September 24-27.

Andres, L., & Jongbloed, J. (2019). Measuring educational participation and attainment over the life course. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Potsdam, Germany, September 24-27 (70% contribution).

Andres, L., & Lauterbach, W. (2017). Educational attainment, labour market outcomes, and gender inequality across time: Canada and Germany. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Stirling, Scotland, October 11-13. (50% contribution)

Jongbloed, J., Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2016). The long arm of education? A 22-year perspective on education, job quality and wellbeing. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Bamberg, Germany, October 5-8. (40% contribution)

Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2016). Quick, slow, and stagnant mobility: Higher education and occupational prestige over the life course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Calgary, Alberta, May 28 – June 1.

Antonini, M., Pullman, A., Andres, L., & Fuller, S. (2016). Before and after the stork: Comparing work-life sequences in Canada and Switzerland. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Calgary, Alberta, May 30 – June 3.

Andres, L., & Pullman, A. (2015). Gender stratification, higher education, and labour market outcomes over the life course. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 18-11. (50% contribution)

Pullman, A., Andres, L., & Pechar, H. (2015). The path well travelled? Higher education transitions over the life course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Ottawa, Ontario, May 31-June 2. (50% contribution)

Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2014). Vertical and horizontal stratification across higher education sectors in Canada. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 9-11. (50% contribution)

Andres, L. & Jongbloed, J. (2013). The education, labour force, and family nexus: How do women and men fare over the life course? Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 23 -25. (70% contribution)

Andres, L. & Offerhaus, J. (2013). Education and/or work: Interdependencies of education and work over the life course. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 23 -25. (70% contribution)

Andres, L., & Offerhaus, J. (2013). Gendered transitions into adulthood and beyond: Interrelationships between education and employment over 22 years in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Victoria, British Columbia, June 3-5.

Andres, L., & Offerhaus, J. (2012). Gendered and classed transitions into adulthood and beyond: Post-secondary attendance over 22 years in Canada. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Paris, France, October 29-31.

Jongbloed, J., & Andres, L. (2012). Measuring happiness from young adulthood into middle age: A 22-year perspective on gender differences in subjective well-being. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference, Paris, France, October 29-31.

Andres, L., & Jongbloed, J. (2012). Happiness, well-being, and posts-secondary attainment: A 22 year perspective. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 13-17.

Offerhaus, J., & Andres, L. (2012). Die Beziehung zwischen wissenschaftlichen Abschlüssen und beruflichem Status. Statuspassagen in tertiärer Bildung und Beschäftigung in Kanada. Academic qualifications and professional status: Status passages in tertiary education and employment in Canada. Präsentation für die 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung: Wissenschaft als Beruf – heute. Perspektiven des akademischen Nachwuchs in der Wissensgesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, May 10-11.

Andres, L. (2010). Education, homogamy, and inequality: A twenty-two year intergenerational perspective of Canadian women and men. Paper presented at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Inaugural Conference, Clare College, Cambridge University, UK, September 22 -24.