Sep 12 2012

Samsung to Sue Apple if iPhone 5 has 4G LTE?!

Published by at 1:53 AM under Uncategorized

Like many of you, I have been following the Apple vs. Samsung case, in which Samsung lost, due to Apple’s patents on several touchscreen gestures and technology. Below is a summary of Apple’s argument: 

 In retaliation, Samsung is considering suing Apple for implementing 4G technology on the iPhone 5. 

What constitutes a patent? Is there anything impossible to patent? Is it fair for a company to monopolize the 4G LTE speeds? Through evidence of email exchange in 2007, prominent members of Samsung were caught discussing which aspects of the iPhone to implement in the next Samsung phone: concrete evidence that Samsung had plagiarized Apple’s innovation. However, are greater network speeds and a larger screen as is inevitable in the iPhone 5 really as serious? 

An idea is the most valuable currency in a world as fast-paced as today. The technology of 4G speed is indeed an idea per se, but is it not the next natural step in technology following 3G ? (Compare: A fully touchscreen phone amongst ‘dumbphones’ in 2007.) Should Samsung claim a monopoly on this technology, it must consider all the implications – This lawsuit is not probable, much less feasible. 

 Is Samsung truly protecting this ‘innovation’ or simply attacking its competition?



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