Nov 19 2012

YUDA Bands – A new social enterprise?

Published by at 3:58 AM under Uncategorized

Do you often wonder whether the products sold under the pretence of charity actually have some benefits? When I was in high school, I was eager to get involved but I was never sure which organization would be a veritable cause. Many charities attract young teenagers by offering gift levels once a certain amount of money is met. For example, the Heart and Stroke Foundation asks children to collect pledges – and at each pledge level, they are rewarded with various items – a jump rope, an exercise ball, a bag, and such.

YUDA bands recently caught my attention. Not only are the bands aesthetically appealing and made from leather, therefore appealing to the quality value of the consumers’ mind as I have discussed in a previous post, but they were also handmade by children from Guatemala. These bands sell for $7-10 each and all proceeds go towards childrens’ education.

Their mission statement: To create jobs, promote education, and increase global awareness.

But how are they selling these bands? Door-to-door salespeople? No – YUDA bands has cleverly targeted the widest market – teenagers. Programs are organized where ‘student leaders’ in various high schools throughout North America independently promote YUDA bands within their own social groups.

YUDA bands are shipped to high schools. There, student leaders organize their sales and promotion. Teen psychology comes into play – these bands are seen as trendy and connote global awareness. In return, YUDA bands are also creating leadership opportunities for these students. A scholarship program is even offered to outstanding leaders in North American high schools for promoting YUDA bands.

How is it that YUDA bands has so successfully tapped into all the needs and wants of many different segments? Find out more on their website.

One response so far

One Response to “YUDA Bands – A new social enterprise?”

  1. Phillip Whitingon 29 Mar 2013 at 8:53 AM

    Patricia, thanks for this blog post, you really did your homework! Voicing your support is very much appreciated!

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