Oct 06 2012

Why Apple is so Successful

Published by at 10:07 PM under Uncategorized

Disclaimer: I am not an Apple fangeek; in fact I own a Blackberry. I am, however, impressed and fascinated at Apple’s marketing techniques. Today I want to talk about 2 aspects I find contributes to the company’s success.

1. Sell the flash, not the product. 

This is pure product propositioning. Apple never made the thinnest notebook, or even the thinnest phone. But it was the first to claim that slogan, and implant the idea in the minds of consumers.

2. Manipulate the customer’s mind. 

Consider the difference between the 2 rival phone company’s catchphrases:

iPhone 5: The best thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone. 

Galaxy SIII: The next best thing is already here. 

Note how the iPhone’s catchphrase builds upon its own success and legacy, whereas Samsung’s motto, though witty and quirky, builds off the knowledge that consumers recognize that the iPhone is the ‘next best thing’. Inadvertently, Samsung is alluding to Apple’s success instead of its own, which I think is unfortunate because the phone has so much more to offer in terms of features, none of which are being marketed.

Consider also the Nokia Lumia’s release commercial: It’s such a shame that phone companies nowadays focus on what Apple’s phones can’t do rather than what their phones can do.

Language is a powerful tool, and I believe Apple has harnessed it. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had teams of microanalytical linguistics coaches.


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