Nov 28 2013

Marketing Video Reflection

Published by at 1:26 AM under Uncategorized

Upon finishing our marketing video for Lululemon, I am extremely pleased with our results. Firstly, we chose a good team. We were similar and relatable enough to get along well throughout the course, but different enough to bring different dynamics and personalities to our project. In our section, we were one of the more diverse groups in terms of personality and skillset.

Although none of us were proficient in movie or audio editing, each of us learned a new skill in order to complete this project. Skills learned included:

  • filming using a DSLR, including focussing on the subject and blurring the background
  • planning/timing a storyline and script
  • using movie editing software such as Final Cut Pro
  • how to position yourself in front of a camera

Throughout the project, there was a comfortable and casual group dynamic. Some members contributed creatively, by helping edit and film, while others wrote the script and voiced many of the parts in a professional manner. Our group successfully worked to finish the written assignments together; every member made a conscious effort to be present at meetings and to pull their own weight, even asking if there was extra work to be done. I found this project enjoyable and would work with this group again.

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