Alternative “Remix” of Proun 1 – A Flashy Pink Modern Jam Neon Proun……
void setup(){ size(600,600); background (0); } void draw(){ //slanted rectangle noStroke(); fill (#272121); quad (290,390,215,510,275,475,350,350); //shadow of rec noStroke(); fill(#BCAAA4); quad (350,350,275,475,280,480,355,355); //coloredlines stroke(#F7793E); strokeWeight(4); line (217,508,177,445); line(177,445,285,390); stroke(#38EEFC); strokeWeight(3); line(217,508,245,320); //smaller rectangle noStroke(); fill(#ADA29D); quad(215,386,250,320,245,315,210,380); //flashy pink pack of circles if(mousePressed){ stroke(250, 15, 247, 50); strokeWeight (3); noFill(); rect(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40); }else{ stroke(55); strokeWeight (3); float r = random (0,100); fill(255,120,170,r); for(int i=0; i<20; i++){ ellipse(width*0.6+i, height*0.4-i*2, i*14, i*14); } noStroke(); fill (#272121); quad(210,380,245,315,217,340,184,400); }}