References & Acknowledgement


Thanks to Amy Thai who was a master students in UBC Geography and did the PM exposure measurement study many years ago. This project is only made possible due to the data in her particular study.

Much appreciation to professor Ian Mckendry in Geography who supervised Thai’s study at the time and had a meeting with me to review and discuss the feasibility & considerations of this project.

Many thanks to professor Michael Brauer in SPPH who provided the PM Land Use Regression model GIS file developed for Vancouver which was used for comparison in this study. PS. the pattern generated by the LUR is quite intriguing to look at on their own.

Thanks lab help – Jose Aparicio, and TA Katie DeRego for technical supports & assistance in brainstorming for tools along the process. Thanks professor Klinkenberg for feedback and suggestions which were given twice since a change in project topic.





Vedal, S., Brauer, M., White, R., & Petkau, J. (2003). Air pollution and daily mortality in a city with low levels of pollution. Environmental health perspectives, 111(1), 45.Perspect 2003;

Nick Reid. (2015). Particulate Matters: why monitor PM10 and PM2.5? Retrieved from:

Thai, A., McKendry, I., & Brauer, M. (2008). Particulate matter exposure along designated bicycle routes in Vancouver, British Columbia. Science of the total environment, 405(1), 26-35.

Panis, L. I., De Geus, B., Vandenbulcke, G., Willems, H., Degraeuwe, B., Bleux, N., … & Meeusen, R. (2010). Exposure to particulate matter in traffic: a comparison of cyclists and car passengers. Atmospheric Environment, 44(19), 2263-2270.

Technical Advisory Panel. (2006), Final Report to the National Environment Protection Council.

Henderson, S. B., Beckerman, B., Jerrett, M., & Brauer, M. (2007). Application of land use regression to estimate long-term concentrations of traffic-related nitrogen oxides and fine particulate matter. Environmental science & technology, 41(7), 2422-2428.))

Berghmans, P., Bleux, N., Panis, L. I., Mishra, V. K., Torfs, R., & Van Poppel, M. (2009). Exposure assessment of a cyclist to PM 10 and ultrafine particles. Science of the Total Environment, 407(4), 1286-1298.