The Unavoidable Ethics

Ethics play an important role in all decisions within society. An individual will choose a particular product or service based upon the reputation of the company and the publicity surrounding it. If this reputation reflects that individual’s view of who they are they will choose that product. Products and services a customer buys into is a representation of who they are as a person. Therefore this makes ethics a crucial component that will determine how businesses operate. A business will gain credibility with the public if they abide by societal ethics. If a business were to cut corners or find loop holes within a system in order to better their business it may seem beneficial in the beginning. However, basic government standards and competing businesses may see such business’ faults and expose them. This will cause not only a huge backlash from previously loyal customers but also turnoff future customers. Generally speaking a consumer would rather invest their money in a business that is fair and honest not only from an ethical standpoint but an economic one. Basic human rights group and even the government will intervene. Without a doubt lawsuits will be pursued which can eventually deplete a business’ funds.


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