Conning the Con Man


Once a criminal completes the requirements agreed upon in order to clear their name they will have a clean record in regards to the law. However google begs to differ. Mr Birnbaum a College student at the University of Alabama was charged with possession but after completing the necessary rehabilitation program he was cleared of all charges. When he sought a job the employer did a standard check my googling his name. What he found was his mugshot brought to you by and The purpose of these websites is to inform the public of the history of potentially dangerous people. What makes these websites illegitimate is that they charge up to $400.00 in order to remove the picture on their website.

Although these websites are taking advantage of individuals that may have never even been found guilty there is an overlying purpose to these websites. People have the right to know of the serious crimes committed by people they are in regular contact with. These people can be neighbours, employees or someone your dating. The website has a case by case policy where they will determine whether the mugshot can be taken down depending upon the seriousness of the crime. I don’t think that the photos should be taken down just to make it fair across the board. The public are entitled to these photos. It is unfortunate that a person may have to suffer the consequences for a minor wrong doing but this does not outweigh the benefits of having access to the photos.



Going Global

International campaign spreads to Portugal, Spain and China


David Stern commissioner of the NBA plans to retiree in February but his longtime goal of expanding the NBA globally still burns bright. No longer just a dream, Stern argues that it is now mandatory to grow globally. The NBA is now focusing their pursuits by launching an international campaign. Successful brands like McDonalds, Apple and Samsung have generated most of their profits from outside the United States. To Stern it’s quite simple, there are 300 million people inside the US, and 700 billion outside.

This year there will be 12 teams playing internationally. Many players are born outside the North America and the NBA puts a heavy focus on this. The New York Knicks launched advertisements in Chinese when Jeremy Lin had erupted in popularity. By Lin embodying his nation he rocketed in popularity not only in the US but in China.

It’s important for leagues to expand from the U.S.A. because it broadens the fan base and this will result in higher earnings. Right now 10% of profits are global, thus the NBA can grow heavily. Now only this but it builds a mass appreciation for the game where people from different cultures can feel connected through a sport. Right now there is one team outside the U.S., the Toronto Raptors, but in 50 years I doubtful that this will be the case.
“NBA plans to Slam-Dunk the World”





A Slippery Slope

Orbitz, a travelling agency, has admitted to using price customization software and are not the only ones using it. Companies are able to determine an estimate of a customer’s wealth or willingness to buy their product by gaining access to past searches, whether they use a MAC or PC and reading how rapidly they click through a payment page. When detected they will offer higher prices to those indicated as more willing to buy and/or wealthier. This brings into question fairness. If a consumer knew that these softwares were being used against them online retailing would be questionable and a turnoff for many costumers. If more publicity sparks that more online companies do this it will jeopardize online market. This type of softwares that companies use to find out information about customers is bordering along the lines of infringement. The basic privacy rights of people are being tossed away and this can lead to companies being able to look into private social media pages and altering prices accordingly.

Not only does this breach privacy rights but foremost it is unfair trade which brings back the ethics of business. Conducting a business unethically will result in investigations and heavy scrutiny from customers. “How Deep are your Pockets”