A Slippery Slope

Orbitz, a travelling agency, has admitted to using price customization software and are not the only ones using it. Companies are able to determine an estimate of a customer’s wealth or willingness to buy their product by gaining access to past searches, whether they use a MAC or PC and reading how rapidly they click through a payment page. When detected they will offer higher prices to those indicated as more willing to buy and/or wealthier. This brings into question fairness. If a consumer knew that these softwares were being used against them online retailing would be questionable and a turnoff for many costumers. If more publicity sparks that more online companies do this it will jeopardize online market. This type of softwares that companies use to find out information about customers is bordering along the lines of infringement. The basic privacy rights of people are being tossed away and this can lead to companies being able to look into private social media pages and altering prices accordingly.

Not only does this breach privacy rights but foremost it is unfair trade which brings back the ethics of business. Conducting a business unethically will result in investigations and heavy scrutiny from customers.

http://search.proquest.com/docview/1022920631 “How Deep are your Pockets”



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