Blackberry demand exceeds 10 million

That is, for the the blackberry app for android and apple users. The first day that Blackberry launched the Blackberry messenger app it had over 10 million people signed up. Blackberry which has been kicked, and kicked again against competitors in the smartphone battle is ecstatic about this recent success which brings hope to the company. The instant messaging app market is reletively open so Blackberry believes that it can catchup to its rivals. Since these apps are free it makes them extremely popular. For instance, Skype, it has been calculated, has 32.6 billion dollars of lost revenue as it is a free product. However, how popular would these apps really be if they weren’t free?

I think that the winner in the market for instant messaging apps it yet to be found because people haven’t found the one app that everybody likes and finds useful. A lot of these apps are very similar and do not have one defining characteristic that customers long for and that they can not find elsewhere. I think that if Blackberry milks their BBM app they have a chance to be the choice instant messaging app of smartphone users in the short term.

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