A Wondrous Pen

Live scribe recently came out with a pen that has a USB drive embedded in the pen, making it record everything it hears and writes. The pen has a microphone and speaker as well as a camera in order to record everything. Once your done recording all your notes you simply upload them by using the USB which is in the pen! At $150 it combines the tradition of writing down your notes with high end technology. Additionally, the notes are 100% accurate due to the voice recording.

Personally, I would want this pen because I prefer writing my notes but I like to look at them on a computer after, so I end up having to type them up. This innovation would saved me a lot of time! However paying $150 for a pen is not realistic for many consumers. As live scribe pens gain popularity their technology will only improve eventually leading to more affordable products for the basic consumer. If marketed right I could see pens, or other work/school supplies similar to this becoming an essential. The Wonder Pen also solves the issue that many teachers have with laptops being distracting in the classroom.

Potentially this pen could work wonders!


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