Ethics – Sisley Fashion Junkie


Advertising has become one of the most important ways to promote products and attract potential customers. It is a convenient way to convey information about products to all audiences. However, advertising has also come under fire for involving unethical issues. The print ad I found is the one posted by Sisley, one of the clothing lines of Benetton Group. There is no doubt that this ad is very eye-catchy and a large percentage of audience may stop for it. As an ad, which functions as attracting more potential customer, to some extent, it is creative and successful.  In my point of view, however, when it comes to the issue of ethics, it appears unethical. Two girls in the ad look as if they are snorting. Of course, the white stuff in the ad is a dress but it looks like heroin. I think what Sisley want to convey to audience in this ad is how good and fashionable their products are – once you buy one piece of clothes, you will be addicted to buying clothes from Sisley, just like taking drugs. Generally, adults are mature. They would not be misled by this ad. But as for young people, who are not as mature as adults, the image of taking drug in this ad matters.  Young people or people who are not mature enough might be instilled a message that taking drug just a simple thing like buying fashionable outfits when they see this ad again and again through different media such as magazines. Additionally, many teenagers like imitating the people that they think “cool”. Here, girls may imitate the women in the ad since they are sexy, attractive, etc. Therefore, those girls might easily be persuaded to “have a try” by the guys who are selling drugs. Therefore, I feel that this ad is not ethical although it is a great print ad.

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