Nu Skin Enterprises – Targeting Direct Consumers


Nu Skin Enterprises is an American direct selling and multilevel marketing company which develops and sells personal care products and dietary supplements (“Nu Skin Enterprise”). Nu Skin was found 1984 and it has become extremely popular in recent years in many countries in particular to China, while the company claims that they never spend money on advertising. They use pyramid scheme to sell their products, that basically people (direct consumers) purchase products from the company and try to sell the products to the people (indirect consumers) they know, such as friends, classmates and relatives. Take the case in China as an example. From no one knows this brand, to one third of your friends are doing business with Nu Skin, personally, I feel like it is what happened overnight. And noticeably, most people who are selling Nu Skin product are around the age of 20, or say, Y generation. What amazed me is that they all have EXTREMELY GREAT passion. One of my friends, who has got involved with Nu Skin, believes that Nu Skin gives them an opportunity to do their own businesses, earn money and gives them a great way to the bright future. Obviously, it is the result of brainwashing. In my point of view, one of the reasons why the brainwashing works is that Nu Skin has noticed that nowadays people, especially Y generation, are more interested in earning quick bucks. Generally, Nu Skin is targeting the people who want to get benefits or value but not willing to pay that much effort. As what I mentioned above, there is no advertisement expense on Nu Skin. Personally, I think what they claim is true. From the people who are doing business with Nu Skin, I found that these direct consumers are always doing marketing or advertising for Nu Skin for free. Since they want to sell all the products they hold in hand and earn more extra benefits, they are engaged in selling. In order to sell those products, they may make exaggerated comments on the products to let their potential clients believe that the product has much more value than what it really is. Additionally, the reason why the pyramid scheme works is that now the whole world economics is in recession. It is hard to find an appropriate job which can meet both physical and mental need.

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