Good Job, Coca-Cola Team!


Our team chose Coca-Cola Company for our group project through voting on Facebook. Every teammate has contributed a lot to our first assignment.  Everyone was responsible to one part and finished it so well. And of course, we finally got a great result on this assignment. 🙂 As for the assignment, we went in a wrong direction at the beginning. Thanks to Elyssa, she pointed out after reading the textbook. We redid it together without any complaint. Although we got a score that a bit lower than the class average, it was not that bad. We read through the comments left by the professor and discussed it. Then we decided to change the segmentation part which is the basis of the assignment 3. Honestly, the third assignment was the most interesting one among these three. We came up with a lot of crazy and funny ideas during our third meeting. At the end, Tiffany’s idea of interview was adopted. We separated the filming work into two days in order to fit everyone’s schedule. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot during the filming. After these happy moments, we came to think about editing. Tim is responsible for it and he did a really great job! To be honest, it was super embarrassing and awkward seeing myself in the video. And I found that I couldn’t help tittering in a scenario in which I was supposed to be sad.

I’m so glad that I was in such a great team. Each teammate is easy-going, hard-working and willing to listen to each other. Everyone got individual work, like research, done before the time we set for ourselves and left enough time to organize the information into paragraphs. We prepared the script, information of 4Ps. We didn’t assign anyone anything, but just to do what you could do. No one just lean back, crossed the arms, and sat there. Everyone made a great effort. We did our best. 🙂

Capturing Audience’s Attention and Getting Ripple Effects

This blog is in response to an external blog Real-Life Instagram Project Filters in Unique View of London by Jessica Gioglio.

In Jessica’s blog, she mentions that managers want to reach ripple effects through social media or some campaigns. A ripple effect refers to an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally. Obviously, a ripple effect would help generate high profit for a company, higher revenue due to greater exposure and follow-up among audience for instance. However, not every company is able to capture audience’s attention through social media.

With the great development of social media, companies take it as an important way to promote their products. Nevertheless, the competition on social media is fierce. How can a company’s online promotion stand out from millions of ads and catch audience’s eyes? From my perspective, a great “bomb” is essential for capturing audience’s attention. Just like few years ago, a company made a huge cake and put it in the center of downtown and gave it away to people walking by. Companies need to create something that surprise people or make them feel curious. As long as they are interested in or curious about what they have seen, they would explore more about the product. Once a company succeeds generating the “bomb”, then it needs to think about how to get its product into a ripple effect. In Jessica’s blog, people stop and take a snap because they saw others doing it. In my opinion, it is more like creating a trend. When a company comes to this, there are so many factors need to be taken into account. The first must be the product itself. Does it have good quality? Does it fulfill the need of target consumers? What’s more, some fancy things are significant as well. We might have noticed that most of time people are attract by some other things that seem not related to the core product but finally they become the consumers of the product.Â