Hershey’s Sustainable Cocoa

I remember in our first class, we discussed the sustainable beef from MacDonald in terms of how MacDonald define sustainable beef and how they will capitalise sustainable beef to communicate with their customers and society. Now, there is another food company who is engaging to make their food sources sustainable, namely Hershey.


Recently, Hershey Company just announced that they will source enough certified and sustainable cocoa to exceed the amount required for producing its four of the most popular chocolate brand in 2016. Earlier in this year, Hershey just set a goal to source 50 % of its global cocoa supply at least from certified and sustainable cocoa by 2016.


The Hershey’s sustainable cocoa initiative is based on Learn-to-Grow farm training program in West Africa. Cocoa farmers receive training on sustainable and high-quality farming practices including safe spraying and effective use of fertilisers, labor social practices, environmental practices and educational support. Through this program, Hershey is able to keep improving productivity and make significant contributions in the community in West Africa. In addition, in terms of certification, Hershey will purchase certified cocoa which is verified by the most independent and recognisable certifying organisations such as UTZ, Fairtrade USA and Rainforest Alliance. These Eco-labelling definitely will enable Hershey to convince consumers that they are performing very well on the aspects of environment-protection and social responsibility.

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Hershey’s sustainable cocoa reminds me when i was commenting classmate’s blog last night, i read Burak’s blog: SustainabiliTea – Lipton’s Sustainable tea in Turkey. I am pretty surprised that these two companies are committed to develop sustainable food sources through very similar way. I am more convinced that the triple bottom line of sustainability is the essential and key element for companies to implement their sustainable initiative. I believe there will be more company to follow this rule to create their own initiative.



SustainabiliTea – Lipton’s Sustainable tea in Turkey



2 thoughts on “Hershey’s Sustainable Cocoa

  1. Raman Johal

    OK, here’s a topic I could go on and on about, chocolate! It’s great to see that Hershey’s are taking some initiative in the cocoa market, particularly because it’s an industry that people forget has some really terrible social impacts. What I like most about this is that Hershey’s haven’t just promised to source more sustainable cocoa, they are actually involved in a specific cause. This helps legitimise their efforts. Companies have a huge role to play in creating a more sustainable world. Hopefully Hershey’s example pushes more chocolate manufacturers to make more serious commitments towards sustainability.

  2. Sujin Lee

    Hey Paul,

    I really do love chocolate and so felt very sad to hear few weeks back that cocoa will soon be gone. But glad Hershey’s is talking initiatives to work on it. I also highly agree with on your comment on “the triple bottom line of sustainability (all social, environmental, and economic) is the essential and key element for companies to implement their sustainable initiative.” So therefore, it seems very positive with Hershey’s purchasing certified cocoa from independent and recognisable certifying organizations, as well as educating and training the cocoa farmers in Africa in terms of enhancing the overall productivity. Although it will be hard to measure Hershey’s initiatives with training farmers, I hope they will come up with actual measurement for it that so that we, consumers are more more aware and supportive on their work.

    Thank you for a great post! 🙂


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