Issues with Employee Redundancy

In 2009, a survey from Cyber-Ark, discovered that majority of the British workers (about 58 percent) are willing to par-take in data theft if the company faces Redundancy. In times during the economic downturn, organizations need to be increasingly watchful as stolen data can severely impact its growth, once given to it’s competitors. Hence, managing and solving redundancy should be area’s of great concern for businesses.

When a company faces employee redundant, there is no longer work for the employee and hence is seen as an expense rather that is generating revenue. Redundancy can be caused by multiple reasons, however, in this case, its main cause is where the macro economy is falling and there is a decline.

Redundancy can sometimes be inevitable, and in retrospect with data theft, Organizations that are concerned should invest more on Informational Technology in terms of increasing its own security base, increasing monitoring systems, and daily maintenance to ensure protection on confidential data.

Moreover, there seems to be a minor stakeholders conflict between employees and the management as a whole. The management needs to spend time on human resources in producing methods to increase employee loyalty. In result, could decrease theft as a whole.


Herman, Michael. “Employees Facing Redundancy Are Tempted by Data Theft – Times Online.” The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion. 03 Feb. 2009. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. <>.

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