Tesla – Will the Rookie Long Live The Hell-Like Competition?

Recently, the stock market in Canada reported a dramatic rise in the Tesla Motor shares, which is currently US$250.  It is 5 times higher than its shares in 10 months before (US$50).  Clearly, the new electric car manufacturing company is a lot more valuable in the present.  However, it does face a very intense competition due to its ‘newness’.  The General Motors Company, which is a large electric car company and has a lot more experience compared to Tesla Motor, has a market cap of US$53.39 billion that is much higher than Tesla Motors’ US$34.8 billion.

Facing the intense competition, Tesla Motor however shows off its talent in electric car manufacturing.  According to an international Customer Report, it is the No. 1 car.  Jake Fisher, the director of auto testing, said “Tesla Model S is the best car I have seen.”.  It was also named as the “Motor Trend Car of the Year” by a electric car website called “Motor Trend”.

Tesla, founded in year 2003 by a group of engineers, does not retreat from the market of electric car despite huge competition, but instead strives to improve and receives various rewards.  In my opinion, the spirit of Tesla is what makes tesla long-live-able.


“About Tesla.” Tesla Motors. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2014. <http://www.teslamotors.com/about>.

Ebner, David. “Tesla Model S Is like a Rocket to the Future.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., 15 May 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2014. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/reviews/new-cars/tesla-model-s-is-like-a-rocket-to-the-future/article18665798/>.

“TSLA Competitors | Tesla Motors, Inc. Stock.” Yahoo! Finance. N.p., 12 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2014. <http://finance.yahoo.com/q/co?s=TSLA+Competitors>.

Woods, Jim. “Electric Cars and the 3 Biggest Speed Bumps for Tesla.”InvestorPlace RSS. N.p., 29 July 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2014. <http://investorplace.com/2014/07/electric-vehicles-vs-tesla-electric-cars/#.VBKZTWSwJGk>.


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