Canada Unemployment rate decreased to 6.5%

Due to the economic development of Canada, 43,000 jobs are created, which is comparably higher in comparison to the jobs created in year 2008.  The job increase is seen particularly in the manufacturing departments in Canada.  In the manufacturing department, 33,200 successfully found their jobs.  For adults aged between 15-24, around 12.6% of jobless rate is reported, which is greatly improved due to the fact that less youths started looking for new jobs to do after they have found one.

I would like to personally praise the Canadian Government in causing the decreased unemployment rate.  The typical reason why unemployment rate increases is because either businesses earn less money, or the cost of resources like labor has increased, thus forcing them to dismiss a decent number of labor. As a result, the best way to avoid the increase in unemployment rate is to maintain the value of money.  It is because as the value of money increases, the cost of labor would increase as well.  While as the value of money decreases, the companies will be more competitive as they are forced to increase the price, which causes less customers to buy its products.


News, CBC. “Canada Adds 43,000 Jobs in October, Jobless Rate down to 6.5%.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 07 Nov. 2014. Web. 08 Nov. 2014. <>.


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