IPhone 5C – “The Special One” in Apple INC

It is clear hopes are gone from lots of Apple supporters after Steve Jobs died.  As an Apple fan myself, my hopes were gone for a while.  During that moment, Apple share prices were dropping.  However, not later when Tim Cook take over Steve Jobs for the throne of Apple Chief Executive Officer, he releases an idea that even Steve Jobs have not thought of before, which is an invention called IPhone 5C.

Unlike other types of IPhones, IPhone 5C contains different types of color, for example red, blue, green and yellow.  Even though its function is as same as the ones in IPhone 5S, it is produced with materials that is relatively cheaper.  As a result, it is sold a lot more cheaper.  While IPhone 5S is on sell for US$639 with 16GB of memory, IPhone 5C is on sell for US$469 with 8GB of memory, which is significantly cheaper.

IPhone 5C, in my opinion, is a unique way to extend its product life cycle from the declining stage.  In overall, this design is very creative.


“Select an 8GB IPhone 5c.” IPhone 5c. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <http://store.apple.com/ca/buy-iphone/iphone5c>.




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