Hong Kong Political Protest in Economic Point Of View

Recently, an outrage against Hong Kong Government is developed for a month due to the dissatisfaction of Hong Kong citizens towards the fake democracy that is shown by a small circle election of Hong Kong chief executive.  Thousands of Hong Kong people are occupying the busiest districts in Hong Kong like Causewaybay, Mongkok, and mainly the place where the Hong Kong Government department asides – Central.

Despite the fact that I support the Hong Kong Political Protest, the political protest has indeed brought a huge counter effect to the economics development and business operations in Hong Kong.  As the protest goes on, lots of the roads in districts like Admiralty, Wanchai and Mongkok are occupied to an extent where only one or none road is open for transportations.  As a result, constant traffic jams are happening.  My parents, who are living in Central, is severely and emotionally disturbed by the traffic jams in Wanchai.  The blockage of transportations also cause a great influence on the public transportation organizations, in which they earn much less due to forcefully reduced frequency of bus, and less people riding it.  The shops in Wanchai are receiving less revenue as well due to bad traffic.

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