MATH 442/842 – Algebraic Topology | Winter 2017 | University of Regina

General Information:

      • Lectures: MWF 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm in CW 307.14.3
      • Instructor: Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene, Office: CW 307.26, Phone: 306-585-4422, Email:
      • Office Hours: W 11:00 am – 12:30 pm or by appointment.

Course Description: A course intended to introduce students to algebraic topology.
Topics include the fundamental groups, homology, and cohomology groups of topological spaces.

Textbook:  Algebraic Topology, by Allen Hatcher. This is free and available here.

Content: Topics include

      • Homotopy Type: Definition and Examples, Contractible Spaces.
      • The Fundamental Group: Paths, Homotopy of Paths, Loops and Definition of the Fundamental Group, The Fundamental Group of the Circle, Induced Homomorphism, Applications of the Fundamental Group, The Van Kampen Theorem.
      • Homology: Chain Complexes, Simplicial Homology, Singular Homology, Applications.
      • Cohomology (if time permits): Cohomology Groups, Cup Product.

Prerequisite: MATH 441, or approval of the department chair.

Course Outline/Syllabus: More information about this course can be found in the course outline.

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