MATH 122 – Linear Algebra I | Fall 2016 | University of Regina

General Information:

      • Lectures: TR 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm in Classroom Building 130
      • Instructor: Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene, Office: CW 307.26, Phone: 306-585-4422, Email:
      • Office Hours: TR 9:30 am – 11:30 am or by appointment

Course Description: A course intended to introduce students to elementary linear
algebra, particularly at a computational and applied level. Topics include matrices and
systems of equations, inversion, determinants, vectors, inner products, eigenvalues and

Textbook: Linear Algebra with Applications, 7th Edition, by W. K. Nicholson.

Content: Topics include

      • Systems of Linear Equations (1.1 through 1.3): Solutions and Elementary Operations, Gaussian Elimination, Homogeneous Equations.
      • Matrix Algebra (2.1 through 2.6): Matrix Addition, Scalar Multiplication, and Transposition, Equations, Matrices, and Transformations, Matrix Multiplication, Matrix Inverses, Elementary Matrices, Linear Transformations.
      • Determinants and Diagonalization (3.1 through 3.3): The Cofactor Expansion, Determinants and Matrix Inverses, Diagonalization and Eigenvalues.
      • Vector Geometry (4.1 through 4.3): Vectors and Lines, Projections and Planes, More on the Cross Product.

Prerequisite: Precalculus 30, or Mathematics B30 and C30, or Mathematics 102.

Course Outline/Syllabus: More information about this course can be found in the course outline.

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