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 “If it’s melted, it’s ruined!” – Ben & Jerry

“When ice cream is 2 degrees warmer than it should be , for ben and jerry’s it’s a mess but for the planet its a metaphor because a 2 degrees warming of our planet’s climate would be equally  dramatic but much more significant impact.”

Ben and Jerry’s has been fighting for climate change and finding ways to reduce the environmental impact of our business. In 2002, they launched a carbon offset program for Vermont manufacturing facilities and in 2007, they ran their first global warming advocacy campaign. Ben and Jerry invested in efficiencies through manufacturing facilities, supply chain, and Scoop Shops to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint.

Most of the business have greenhouse emissions associated with their operations and Ben & Jerry, being one of them. Ben & Jerry, “depend on agriculture for their ingredients, especially diary, as well as manufacturing to make products, trucks to transport finished products and freezers to keep the ice cream cold” (Ben&Jerry, 2017). As a environment conscious company, they are aware of the carbon footprint they are producing and are taking steps reduce carbon footprint and follow their plan to get to 100% clean energy at all of U.S. sites by 2020.

When the Paris Climate summit emerged in 2015, Ben and Jerry met the issue of climate change with a global campaign to activate fans and citizens around the world. They came up with a new flavour called “Save Our Swirled” ,  with a bed of raspberry ice cream, swirled with rivers of marshmallow and raspberry, and white & dark fudge cone-shaped chunks. The new flavour was kicked off on the company’s Free Cone Day in April to inspire citizens for climate change.  The flavour comes with a message : “when you dig out a spoonful , you can’t help but notice that those cones appear to be melting”.

Therefore, Ben & Jerry’s approach for climate change helped them gain a positive PR and advertised themselves as a sustainable conscious company. In my opinion, most of the companies should focus on how their products are affecting the environment and what steps should be taken in order to resolve environment /social issues. Ben & Jerry set an example of other companies and changed consumers perspectives and reactions about how the company tackles social issues.

A melted ice cream, even after putting it back in the freezer, is never quite the same. A melted world would be even worse — and as Ben & Jerry recognizes, it is not necessarily those who  have left the ice cream out who will pay the price but everyone will.


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