When I hear about Procter & Gamble, I associate it with affordable consumer goods for day to day operations. Reading more about the company and finding out that sustainability is at the core of everything that they do and believe in. According to the Vice President Head & Shoulders and Global Hair Care Sustainability Leader, Procter & Gamble., they felt that the “leading shampoo brand in sales should lead in sustainability innovation and know that when we do this, it encourages the entire industry to do the same,” and “We’ve been fortunate to work with such great partners in TerraCycle and SUEZ to make this vision a reality.”
The Procter & Gamble (P&G) Company has partnered up with TerraCycle to create the Fairy Ocean Plastic bottle, which is made from 90 percent post-consumer recycled plastic and 10 percent ocean plastic. The bottle will be launched in the U.K. in 2018, to raise awareness of plastic in the ocean and what can be done to prevent plastic waste in the ocean. As part of the eco drive, P&G will make 320,000 Fairy Ocean Plastic bottles with TerraCycle. To do this, P&G has diverted 8,000 metric tones of plastic from landfill for use in transparent plastic bottles, using an average of 40% recycled plastic content across the 481 million of transparent bottles it sells globally.
TerraCycle is an environmentally friendly company that takes on non-recyclable pre consumers and post consumers waste and turns it into a raw material to be used in new products. TerraCycle has tried to solve the existent question of why trash exist and some of ways that you a company can reach the goal are :
Keep it Simple : you don’t have to start with something big, at times taking baby steps to create awareness and educate people is really important. For instance TerraCycle helped Target collect 80,000 car sears that totalled more than a million pounds of secondary material.
Think outside the zero waste box : Innovation is inevitable in the recycling industry and “the cards are stacked against you”. One has to be very creative in getting an organization to be willing to spend a higher price on difficult to use material
You are a solution, not the solution : TerraCycle’s CEO Szaky calling the current state of waste production and management nothing less than “a crisis” and “a catastrophic challenge”. We have to ensure that we are not harming the environment and be self aware of our surroundings.
Looking at companies such as P&G gives me hope for a better and brighter future for large scale organizations as a whole. Companies like P&G hold great power to make a difference, and set an example for all to follow. Even though, P&G is not a perfect company but I believe that every little bit counts and are taking steps towards the right direction.