Its interesting to see how the CVS Caremark, the country’s largest drugstore chain in overall sales, announced on Wednesday that it planned to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products by October.
Company’s this act helped them becoming more of a health care store and taking care of the health issues which is also one of the business ethics and also advising people regarding the health problems. HEALTH ADVICE
Even though the company estimated that this would result in decline of their sales but due to business ethnics they had to take a huge step and sacrifice their sales.
Nowdays, everyone is so addicted to cigarette smoking,even being aware of the further consequences.The chronic problems like HIGH CHOLESTEROL, high blood pressure and heart disease, all of which are linked to smoking.
So the chief executive of CVS Larry J. Merlo said that that cigarettes and providing health care just don’t go together in the same setting. I totally agree with Mr. Merlo and I would appreciate him of taking this huge step even though this will affect their sales.
The cigarette display at a CVS in Manhattan. The chain expects to lose $2 billion a year in sales, a small dent in its $123 billion in overall sales
It is such a delight to see that they are taking such a huge step for building a good environment. CVS does not sell electronic cigarettes, the highly popular but debated devices that deliver nicotine without tobacco and emit a rapidly vanishing vapor instead of smoke. It said it was waiting for guidance on the devices from the Food and Drug Administration, which has expressed interest in regulating e-cigarettes
But lets face it that just one company wont make a huge difference and other companies should also taking such steps in improving the health of people.