Task 4: Manual Scripts


As an English teacher in a 1:1 digital school, I am constantly typing on my laptop all day. This is further heighten by the fact that a majority of my students email their written assignments to me rather than hand them in by paper. However, I do enjoy writing from time to time. Hence, when it came to this assignment, I did not find it difficult at all. When I was younger, I use to enjoy writing my own stories. I did not keep any of those sheets, but it is that experience that have further my story telling abilities. To me, when I write, I find it a liberating experience to express an experience that I want to share with others.

When I described the event that recently happened to me, it was a story that I wanted to share. I find that whenever I have a story to share, it often is easy to write it rather than type it. I find that writing has a way of heightening one’s creativity. It was fun trying to stretch my brain in finding words to best describe the event or experience that I wanted to share. Writing has a way of creating the framework that I want to share with my audience. This experience took me back to my days when I wrote stories for my school newspaper. It was one experience where I really had the opportunity to experience my ideas. However, I use to writ my articles by hand and have it proofread by my mom before I typed it out.

Because I grew up in an age when schools where still reliant on students hand writing their assignments, so it was common to write out your drafts before you typed your good copy. I find that I was more conscious of my spelling because I would try to use words that I knew and if I did not know the word, then I would check a dictionary. Now, I am less conscious of my spelling and more prone to making mistakes or having awkward phrases in my sentences because I am over reliant on the spell checker to catch my mistakes. I also find that I skirt over my sentences and make assumptions of words that I think are in my sentences but are not in the sentences.

To me, whenever, I made a mistake when writing by hand, I would prefer to cross it out. This allows me to show what I am thinking at that moment. It also helps me organize my thoughts and provide me with the opportunity to think about what I am writing. I find that I am too reliant on my computer to fix my errors and I find that at times I limit my vocabulary when I am typing on the computer. I find that I stick with the words that I am comfortable with and I do not challenge my writing style when I am typing. This is true because I am writing in a more expository or informative way. The computer has a way of limiting the risk of writing. If I was writing in more creative forms, I would be more willing to take more risks in my writing.


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