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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

A journey begins

A fabulous fall with the amazing weather we expected in August:] However, my excitement is more due to the fact that ETEC 521 is set to begin. This is course number four on my path through the UBC MET program and I am enjoying it thoroughly. The anticipation in learning about the Indigenous experience with […]

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Knowledge and the “Knower”

Q:Why do we need to concern ourselves with grasping the potential totalizing effects of computer-controlled environments. Although there are more then likely hundreds of unforseen problems associated with computer controlled-environments I am going to focus on one specific: having knowledge as an external entity to the knower. There are many positive counterarguments to this design […]

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After a month into the ETEC 531 course I find myself, once again, unabashedly enjoying the learning that takes place within the program. Who would have thought that my great love for Science Fiction would manifest itself inside this program and I could discuss cyborgs, Jean-luc Picard and Frankenstein….

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The tipping point, design affordances and learning with wikis: While working on the wiki for ETEC 510 I reflected on the effectiveness of such a design for my own classroom. The one major hurtle that kept red-flagging itself in this effectiveness debate was the time it would take for me to scaffold students to a […]

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Novelty and the Novelty Effect By definition, novelty is the “newness” of something and when referring to technology it is usually an upgrade (blackberry to blackberry torch) as opposed to a brand new invention. Although, those do exist – The novelty effect is the initial glamour and enhancement that is offered by an entity. We […]

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