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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

I live in a gaming household. This was not always the case… there was a time before “the game” but it seems so long ago now, I can’t quite remember it. When I think about the questions posed in this module related to the design of games I realize these are areas that I have […]

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Listening to the discussion of what’s really at the centre of education, I couldn’t agree more that placing knowledge-building is a paradigm shift on the level of leaving the Ptolemaic system and embracing a Copernican model. Like the powers that were in those days, I imagine the powers that be now would be very hesitant […]

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My participation and contributions in this course were instrumental in facilitating my own learning and the development of a collegial learning community to which I belong. This was an exciting encounter. In the past, my University experience was one of isolation and competition. Perceptibly, this was detrimental to fostering any kind of beneficial learning environment. […]

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It’s the end of November and our group has successfully finished presenting on spirituality and technology. Group projects have there challenges to be sure, but to engage on such a level with other professionals was overall a positive and unique experience. This course has 100% changed how I view learning and teaching online. The excitement […]

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So crazy that my very first class is wrapping up super quick. Thanks everyone for all the support.

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