Last Minute Thoughts
We’re finally here.
In eight hours, I will be stepping into a new school environment for my short practicum. I wish I could say I had the ability to go to sleep right now, but I’m wired. Even if the first few days are meant for observation and to get a feel for a high school environment again, I’m excited that this is my first chance to start actively being part of a school community and teaching. This is a chance to put everything I’ve learned into practice and start understanding why we have the pedagogical system we use as teachers. More than anything, it’s a chance for me to start my inquiry and see if the methods I want to use for myself really would be feasible in the modern classroom, and its exhilarating to be doing that kind of first person research.
I’m also terrified. Completely and utterly scared out of my mind that I’m going to fall flat on my face and not be up to standard. Or worse, that the methods I want to use are the problem instead of a lack of skill as a person. The only thing I can truly commit to right now is to observe my sponsor teachers as best I can and to reflect on what I see and how it relates to my views of what my practice will look like. I hope that I can have time to discuss what I would like to do with my sponsor teachers and faculty advisor to determine what changes will have to be made.