Weekly Reflection – week 2


Classroom management and getting the respect of the students was the goal for this week, and outside of one major lapse, things appeared to be going well. The students are beginning to respond to my style of classroom management and are aware that there are consequences to not completing work. I’m trying to use wait time more effectively by calling for the attention of students before I begin my wait time, and that’s been effective where I’ve allowed it to happen. This does not always occur during the early morning block, as there needs to be additional communication between myself and the peer tutor to explain why wait time is used instead of attempting to yell over the students to obtain their attention.

The two research periods were quite long and were difficult for the students to maintain focus for the full two hours, but overall the students were using their time effectively and many groups began working on their final copies of the pamphlets before the two hours had expired. Adjustments for the second research period included giving the students access to the map component of the project that they required, which I did not believe would be necessary during the research period. Students were more focused on their work because of the extra activity they had available to them.

The one major concern that occurred this week was that two of my students left the library before the end of the period. This was reported to the appropriate authorities within the school and on Tuesday students will be reminded of the necessity of staying within the classroom unless they have been given permission to leave for other locations. That these students did not do so is a concern, not least of which because their safety becomes an issue. I will be explaining to the students that this is completely unacceptable behaviour and that there will be consequences for this behaviour.

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