Week 7 Reflection


Working with the Tutorial class has been an interesting challenge for me so far. I haven’t really gotten to adjust the fact that they’re much quieter than my normal classes, and that means I can’t rely on them to provide input during class discussions or during the lesson phase of each day. Having said that, they seem to be responding well to me as a teacher and that’s made it possible for the work to get done that needs to be finished.

Over this weekend I’m going to be attempting to complete all of the marking that I have obtained over the last two weeks. I’m learning very quickly that staying on top of my marking is going to be one of my main challenges as a teacher, both in terms of ensuring that students hand in all the assignments that are due, but also returning them in a timely manner. These problems are compounded by the fact that I haven’t really learned when the best time to collect something is during a class, and there’s still some confusion on occasion about what is worth collecting and what should just be used for a formative assessment.

The CPR stations activity was very good and worked well with my grade 10 students, I think that there are some things that could have been changed to ensure that they were able to get more out of it. In particular, I should have informed the students beforehand which items I would be marking through a rubric or other marking scheme, and which parts of the assignment I would be marking for completion. Of course, that would create the concern that they would only focus on the ones that were worth marks and do a less complete job on the ones that were just for completion, but that would at least ensure that the assignments were completed in a timely manner.

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