Bachelor of Education assignments

Chalk Talk - Politics The first attempt I had at teaching and leading in the classroom, doing a brainstorming activity on the blackboard.

Inquiry Jigsaw Assignment A place mat activity taught in my Social Studies pedagogy course, I used placemats often in my Social Studies classes to foster interest in the topic of the day and see what students already know about the topic.

LLED Learning Project Assignment taught in the Learning Literacy course in the Bachelor of Education. Strips were taken from a handout and given to students, who had to work together to take the information and re-create the original worksheet based on exchanging information with each other to create the information needed to recreate the handout.

Second Chalk Talk wall  More of the brainstorming activity done in the Bachelor of Education class for my first teaching experience.

2014-02-07 16.02.48 Teaching my passion in my first practicum, learning about politics and civics, helping my students with a flowchart that’s easy to understand.

2014-02-07 16.02.53 Graphic organizers created during my practicum, the students filled in their own personal graphic organizers after working as a class to fill in the information.

2015-02-26 10.57.10 Group work done during my second practicum experience. This was the Silk Road trading game that helped teach my grade 8 students about the importance of international trade and particularly the impact of the Silk Road on Chinese trade and development.

2015-02-26 10.57.45 Students in the Silk Road simulation looking at their supplies and attempting to figure out how they can maximize their profits and progress.

2015-02-26 10.58.08 Another group of students discussing strategy for their second half of the Silk Road trading game.

2015-02-26 10.59.21 Students interacting with each other and developing their knowledge through peer to peer interactions instead of teacher to student lecturing.

2015-02-26 11.10.00 Grade eight students in my Social Studies 8 class working together to complete worksheets on the day’s lesson.

2015-03-03 11.50.16 My Social Studies 10 class did a lesson on the Residential Schools. I wanted to see what the students knew and what they learned before and after the class.

2015-03-06 07.56.35 This was the entire know/wonder/learn wall after all three of my Social Studies 10 blocks finished the lesson.

2015-04-14 08.29.54 Setting up my classroom for the Social Studies 10 class debate on the topic of whether Louis Riel was a martyr for his cause, or a madman who had lost his mind.

2015-04-14 08.30.03 Creating the full debate forum, with spectating seats behind each of the two debating teams.

2015-04-14 08.30.14 Brainstorming activities that were created by my Grade 8 students on different facets of society in Ancient India. Each group had to present what they listed and brainstormed.

2015-04-14 08.30.28 More of the brainstorming lists created by my Socials 8 students.

2015-04-14 08.30.48 Last set of brainstorming lists from Socials 8 highlighting the different facets of Indian society.

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