Personal Artifacts Related to Education

2013-09-19 16.17.16 The full selection of my Museum of Me, which was a set of artifacts that highlight and explain who I am and what represents my personality and teaching philosophy.

2013-09-19 16.17.23 A better view of some of my Museum of Me, which includes personal and teaching artifacts.

2013-10-01 13.04.44 Field trip planning, visiting the UBC Museum of Anthropology to look at how their exhibits could be used in a Social Studies classroom.

2013-10-01 13.04.55 Posing next to an artistic cube of First Nations creation.

2013-10-21 14.21.39 The model school created for the Bachelor of Education class “Education in Society”, where we described what our ideal school would look like and what policies would be enacted within the school in order to create ideal learning conditions for students.

2013-10-21 14.22.15 Front view of our idealized school.

2 Comments so far

  1. EzySchooling on January 26th, 2023

    boarding schools in Karnataka are a great option for those looking for an environment that promotes education. They offer a safe, secure and enriched learning environment where students can grow and thrive. With a range of activities to engage in and excellent facilities, boarding schools provide a unique experience and an environment to support learning. With a strong focus on academics, good behaviour, and character, these schools are a great choice for those pursuing an education and looking for personal artifacts related to education.

  2. seo southampton on October 9th, 2023

    seo southampton

    Trevor's B.Ed PDP portfolio » Personal Artifacts Related to Education

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