Money or Nature? First Nations Groups Make the Better Choice



A area of Nak’al’s territory being deforested— From

In the article ‘There will be no pipeline‘  First Nations groups live near Nak’al Koh, including Nak’azdli, strongly argue against the proposition of building a pipeline near their homelands. Actually, reading through this passage, I feel so upset and disappointed on the government and the running institutions of Norther Gateway pipeline. Regardless of the fact that First Nations people came to Canada way before most European nations live in this land now,  Canada is the home for all people with different ancestors, skin color, and religions. All Canadian need to ensure the safety and beauty of nature. In my point of view, First Nations people made the right choice to stop government from taking risk to harm the natural beauty. Though building the pipeline reduce the cost of transporting oil within Canada, and hence millions of dollars of benefits can be made, the potential opportunities to diminish the home for not only First Nations, but also all Canadian and countless animals, insects, and birds, are too risky and considering long-term sustainability and development of the country, nation, and human-beings, to harm the nature and get profit is so unwise and against the business ethic.




Why we need to buy flight ticket for my luggages too?

News article: New WestJet and Air Canada fees come with too much baggage, by Mary-Jane Bennett, financial

It is so  WestJet and Air Canada can both charge passengers extra money on their luggages and state they are innocent, and consumers “pushed” them to do so. The biggest cost for an airline is fuel, and as the article states, the passengers’ massive over-heavy luggage costs the too much, and even makes them cannot even sustain their “cheap-cost culture”. I do not debt the enormous cost of a flight, but charging extra fees is not better than simply add the cost to the ticket price. First, as a transportation company, considers about consumers “extra weight” is one of its responsibility. Why don’t they charge people’s ticket by their weight as well? Then thinner people pays less and heavier people pay more. Isn’t that sound fair? The luggage costs too much should not be paid by passengers. Additionally, as long as people need to pay for luggage, they will be willing to take much heavier suitcases than they were taking before. “I’m going to pay the same amount of money. Why don’t I take more?” That is reasonable and this in contrast is just in the opposite of what the airline’s objective to take less luggage each flight.

Why should the young gets better paid?

The original post: Why do the younger workers have low salaries? by Chenchen Wu


As an undergraduate student, I am looking for part-time job these days, and relatively low salary is truly a concern of me, and actually frustrate me somehow. Nevertheless, after reading Wu’s points of reasonable low salaries for younger workers, I think the low payment is not caused by external reasons only, on the other hand, this phenomenon is ordinary and usual because of the internal limitations.

To begin with, referring to booming globalization, foreign workers may affect the labour market a lot, but not the higher-educated level. Since international students and domestic students share fairly the education quality, besides, local has better communication basis and cultural backgrounds which directly lead to better employers’ favor. Whereas, it does not imply the employers are willing to pay higher cost. Due to young employees have barely work experience, and know theoretical knowledge better than empirical skills, they do not create enough value to gain better paid.

Besides, the higher education somehow limits the young a lot. Through the last several decades, people start working at increasingly older age. More people like to pursue academic success than practical jobs. Less young do part-time job, and take the heavy burden of study to universities. It is a good thing for individuals personal evaluation, and social future development, while not really beneficial for employers. It does not make sense to pay these ignorant people who only memorize the terminologies in textbook.

So, conclusively, government restricts the immigration has noting to do with improving young’s salaries, nonetheless, it should encourage teenagers to participate more in extracurricular activities including part-time job and volunteering works.

How smart can a smart phone be?

It has been half a month since the new iPhone 6 launched, I am super upset that I cannot buy one even now. “It’s just a phone! How can this be so hard for me to get a phone!” I was even confused. I scanned through news tonight, and all in a swoop, I understand why people are getting so “addicted” to iPhone. “Apple Fans in China Willing to Pay Absurd Amounts for Black Market iPhonesthe news title basically tells the whole story, and definitely I could not beat these professional smugglers.

Regardless of my own harassment, I wonder more about how did Apple successfully appeal customers to be creasy about its products? Although Samsung, Sony, HTC, etc. these smart phone manufacturers are being innovative and competitive simultaneously, Apple created another magic.

First, Apple Inc. knew China market is so significant and previously announced that the first regions launching iPhone includes China mainland, however when Sep. 19 approaches, Chinese people were so disappointing that Apple was a liar, and their desire to purchase an iPone was lifting to an extremely high hill. Subsequently, Apple knew the amass population of Chinese around the world would be affected by their relatives advancing demand as well, so as the result, Chinese in either in North American, Europe, or Australia were being creasy and waited in line for the whole night to just buy one mobile phone. Eventually, the excess demand was even not fulfilled 50%, seemingly few people being successful.

A smart phone needs a smarter company to support it success in competitive market, and Apple seems like the smartest to control consumers’ demand.