Why we need to buy flight ticket for my luggages too?

News article: New WestJet and Air Canada fees come with too much baggage, by Mary-Jane Bennett, financial post.com

It is so  WestJet and Air Canada can both charge passengers extra money on their luggages and state they are innocent, and consumers “pushed” them to do so. The biggest cost for an airline is fuel, and as the article states, the passengers’ massive over-heavy luggage costs the too much, and even makes them cannot even sustain their “cheap-cost culture”. I do not debt the enormous cost of a flight, but charging extra fees is not better than simply add the cost to the ticket price. First, as a transportation company, considers about consumers “extra weight” is one of its responsibility. Why don’t they charge people’s ticket by their weight as well? Then thinner people pays less and heavier people pay more. Isn’t that sound fair? The luggage costs too much should not be paid by passengers. Additionally, as long as people need to pay for luggage, they will be willing to take much heavier suitcases than they were taking before. “I’m going to pay the same amount of money. Why don’t I take more?” That is reasonable and this in contrast is just in the opposite of what the airline’s objective to take less luggage each flight.

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