Money or Nature? First Nations Groups Make the Better Choice



A area of Nak’al’s territory being deforested— From

In the article ‘There will be no pipeline‘  First Nations groups live near Nak’al Koh, including Nak’azdli, strongly argue against the proposition of building a pipeline near their homelands. Actually, reading through this passage, I feel so upset and disappointed on the government and the running institutions of Norther Gateway pipeline. Regardless of the fact that First Nations people came to Canada way before most European nations live in this land now,  Canada is the home for all people with different ancestors, skin color, and religions. All Canadian need to ensure the safety and beauty of nature. In my point of view, First Nations people made the right choice to stop government from taking risk to harm the natural beauty. Though building the pipeline reduce the cost of transporting oil within Canada, and hence millions of dollars of benefits can be made, the potential opportunities to diminish the home for not only First Nations, but also all Canadian and countless animals, insects, and birds, are too risky and considering long-term sustainability and development of the country, nation, and human-beings, to harm the nature and get profit is so unwise and against the business ethic.




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